Yaroush Versum (Yaroush Sitaara "仮面鬼")



4 years, 5 months ago


● Yaroush Sitaara ●
Species: Feline (Aegean cat)
Age: 19 years old
Height: 170 cm

Appearance: Light brown red-gray cat with black eyes and luminous red pupils. Cream and orange colors are also used on his body. There are small scars on the arms and hips. The claws are white. Hair is dark, gray-brown. He has tattoos in form of seven points (three on the face, four on spine), and strip along the back.

  Bio: Mother Yar's kicked the cat out of family due to the disapproval of his relationship and abhorrent, in her opinion, behavior. She considered him unworthy to take her place in future simultaneously depriving his of an inheritance. 
  The guy began to live in a poor area in a hostel along with other "demons" without social status. Yaroush earns a living as a mercenary. His small talents and "Oni-Fury" allow to perform various small and medium tasks. Once Yar caught eye of Maru Fukuda, who appreciated talents of the cat and offered him cooperation. From first days the guy was very sympathetic to a stately woman. He understood that he would not be able to win her attention but still tried to perfectly fulfill his duties for which he received good money.
  After completing Maru's personal ideas, she recommended Yar to "White Dragon's" clan. Mr. Retrograde on behalf of oyabun promised the guy crazy money but he kept silent about the fact that the cat has no chance to return from the assignment alive. After a difficult mission where the yakuza of "Southeast" captured Yar, he escapes and returns to the "White Dragons". Having tracked the cortege of their oyabun, Yar destroys guard cars and stops the main crew where he starts a fight with Mr. Retrograde. However, their battle is stopped by Ms. Yamatui.  She was struck by abilities of the mask Yar's and initially she even wanted to take it away from the cat. Unpleasantly surprised at what had happened Yar demanded his honestly earned money to which Zery replied that she could give him more. The cat didn't believe the girl and refused the offer. After a while Maru visits Yar's cluttered apartment with a repeat of the proposal to join the "White Dragons" to which he again refuses. Maru spends many hours with Yar asking him about his past, and life in general. Due to his romantic feelings for Ms. Fukuda the cat began to warm and told her a lot about himself for which he paid dearly. Maru knocked out a guy with the phrase, 

- "In that case, you will be fine with us..."

 The cat woke up already in the "White Dragon's" mansion where Zery Yamatui immediately admitted that she couldn’t just let go of the toy she liked...

Mask: Oni-mask Yaroush's symbolizes the demon of Annoyance, the demon of Fury. At peak aggressive mood he breathes fountains of fire-sparks from the mouth. Eyes of the mask can glow white.