๐Ÿš› | offer's Comments

HELLOthis thing rocksuhmm hi

wondering what u use 2 transfer money 4 1,,and uhm what art youd like appreciate in particular 4 it lalla

I take paypal or kofi in terms of money :] if you are in canada I can also do etransfer but thats about it, I also dont really have specific art I have in mind/want rn, kinda just offer whatever BAHHAHA sorry I cant be more specific ^__^ im just not really sure

OH YAY!!!!do u think i can buy 4 the 15 dollars via ko-fi maybe,,with added art if necessary?????

the 15 works! you dont need to add on any art unless you'd like to ^__^ you can send the 15 here, let me know when it's gone through!

eughh ive tried to send the money a couple times and it keeps showing me an error thing????ive sent money over ko-fi with the same card and its worked before lawlll. Dont know whats going on!! ill try again later today itll be a moment sorryyy

thatโ€™s odd, no worries ASDFFKGKLL take ur time lmk if it just doesnโ€™t end up working or whatever though just so I know ^__^

I can offer 2 semi-animated icons or two halves!ย