Takeshi Kiraito



5 years, 8 months ago


Takeshi is the older brother of Tekki and Nova. He is a bit of a tough guy, and very protective of both Nova and Tekki. Despite how tough he acts, he has a big heart, and just wants what is best for his family. He also believes in a fair fight, and tries his best not to use his dragon powers unless he absolutely needs to.

When he was separated from Tekki, he was tricked into agreeing to genetic experiments on his body by Dr. Aoi. This lead to him being infused with dragon DNA, that would give him powers while also being unstable. This caused his once-blue eyes to turn red, and his teeth to change to fangs. 


Strength - Takeshi usually tears chunks out of the ground and throws them at enemies. Also, he is great at close combat! This is his chi magic.

Dragon Breath - Takeshi can breathe fire due to the genetic modifications done to him

Dragon Claw - Takeshi can sometimes grow a scaled dragon claw on his hand to help him fight, although it is a very unstable power.