🜲 Mr. Tomidokoro



22 days, 9 hours ago




Former hitman, now a distinguished businessman and shareholder who thrives beneath the waves! He devotes his time and attention primarily to his work and his daughter, though sometimes it seems he pretends to be more competent than he actually is. Despite his claims of independence, he frequently finds himself seeking help, only to insist he could have handled things alone (though we all know he can't). This marine tycoon may be skilled in his field, but his tech literacy leaves something to be desired.

Mr. Tomidokoro is a man who embodies assertiveness, a quick wit, and a shrewd nature, yet he possesses a degree of naivety in many other aspects. His primary concern is safeguarding his future and that of his daughter, willing to overcome any obstacle in his path. In fact, he ascended to his position by orchestrating the murder of the former company owner and manipulating circumstances to secure the inheritance of the company. Now, he must learn how to effectively run the business he has acquired with all of its complexities and challenges... Should be easy!!

Mr. Tomidokoro's daughter shares a deep bond with her father, accompanying him everywhere — Quite literally, she is often attached to his arm in the form of a reddish octopus. That's her!! Both father and daughter possess the "ability" to transform into natural octopus forms. Despite her shapeshifting abilities, the daughter remains anxious and prefers to stay close to her father at all times, often choosing to stay in her octopus form as she finds it comforting and reassuring.
Despite the curious (and often disgusted) glances he receives at work, Mr. Tomidokoro remains unbothered. As a devoted father, he proudly carries his daughter, an octopus, on his arm and confidently declares that they are identical and is seen talking frequently with her.


  • The bobber on his ear is an accessory, he never takes it off!
  • Mr. Tomidokoro is content with his current single status and has no plans to marry anytime in the future. He values his independence and finds fulfillment in his current lifestyle (he also believes no one understands him 💔💔).
  • He is often seen in his office doing literally anything but work. Most of the time he's just playing with sand he brings there or blowing bubbles and popping them.
  • Hates dogs for some reason he really won't elaborate on.
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  • He enjoys beach like activities like, um. Make sandcastles or whatever people do on the beach 💪