


5 years, 8 months ago


Full Name: Lillivae Advani
   Nickname: Lily
Species: Geludite
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 22
Height: 5 ft / 155cm
DOB: Adri 26
Gem: Dragon's Vein Agate (Uncommon)
   Traits: All Uncommon
Personality Traits: Affectionate, sweet, demure, optimistic, clumsy, extremely introverted, excitable
Occupation: Animal shelter attendant
Likes: Animals, pink, purple, shiny objects, hugs, blankets & pillows, warm drinks (esp. lavender tea), spicy foods, strategy games, baking
Favorite Thing: Her pet Orma
Dislikes: negativity, summer heat, being stressed, public speaking, dark colors
Fears: Watching animals die
Romantics: Pansexual; loves everyone in her way but remains in a closed relationship
Relationships: Lyonia the Gumii, girlfriend; Best friend: Serenity; Friends w/Becca, Fervis, & many others

-Usually wears her hair in her face to indicate her shyness. However, when she's around Lyonia she lets herself open up.
-She spent a lot of her adolescent years crushing on people but being too shy to make anything happen. It was only after feeling her spark did she finally gain the confidence and desperation to take her first step.
-She has a habit of pushing her romantic ideals onto others, or showing affection even if others don't really want it.
-She got her Orma as a cub and has since domesticated it. They like to cuddle together.
-She is the second youngest of five siblings and had a fairly modest upbringing. Her siblings shared everything with each other, so she's not very possessive over items she owns.
-She's fairly good at strategy games and being patient, and remains a relatively good sport no matter the outcome. Most of the rest of her family is very competitive, though. She first met her best friend through a club dedicated to games.
-Enjoys crafts and making things for people, but has a tendency to mess them up. She and Serenity will work on them and sometimes sell them at events.
-Can't keep secrets, especially juicy ones.

-Love Song: Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift

- Gemstone: Dragon's Vein Agate (Uncommon)
- Ears: Uncommon
- Eyes: Uncommon
- Teeth: Uncommon
- Saliva healing: Uncommon
- Mutation: None
Overall rarity: Uncommon

MYO slot won from Aug 2018 Art Fight!; Masterlist #10