Davax Synseor



27 days, 14 hours ago


Age: 26

Gender:  Male

Appearance: He has a small oval nose and a long nose bridge with a bump in the center. He has a few scars on his body from working on his family’s farm for most of his life. He has a healthy amount of fat on him thanks to his aunt working in a bakery. Plus, his family has an infinite supply of fruit and veggies thanks to their farm.

Likes: Favorite color is brown. Loves the forest, and enjoys hunting small game like rabbits and squirrels. 

Dislikes: Absolutely loathes the Fifth Year and all its festivities, doesn’t really like or respect the elders for continuing the tradition.

Flaws: Has abandonment issues and is overprotective since his twin was Snatched in the last Fifth Year.

Related to: Dreviyn (twin brother), Mrs. Synseor (mother), 3 little sisters, one older sister

Davax is Sorrel’s best friend, and is very protective of him ever since Davax‘s twin was Snatched when they were 21.

Davax lives on a farm with his mother and four little sisters. Though they earn quite a bit from their crops, most of their earnings go to new clothing for their mother ever since she stepped up as Fire Chief for the town of Linleya. Two of Davax’s sisters are interning under her (one of whom is his older sister who married out).

Davax was there when his twin, Dreviyn, was Snatched by a Winged beast. It had been the first Fifth Year where they were old enough to be Snatched. Now, at 26, Davax vowed to do everything he could to take care of his younger cousin—Aveyon—and Sorrel. He didn’t want to lose anyone else.

The problem was, that there were few pickings this Fifth Year. Only himself, Aveyon, Sorrel, the blacksmith’s boy, and one other male were old enough to be Snatched. The odds weren’t good.

That was why Davax would do everything he could to protect Aveyon and Sorrel, even if that meant sacrificing himself.

At least then he’d be with his brother again, if he was even still alive.

Davax has a rounded nose and a nose bridge that has a bump in the center (I drew his nose weird, I’m sorry 😭).