LF: art O: ocs's Comments

I can offer some art for this goober! I'm fine with anything, all it affects is how long it'll take me :) https://toyhou.se/19464878.dorian 

Art examples here!

https://toyhou.se/2488478.ninsei can i give you full body rendered drawing for this guy ? they're too cute ,,

i got some art examples here and here !!!!!


hii i think ur art is super cute - i'll think about it - the character (ninsei) has a lot of art/full bodies so idkkk, im p tent 

thats totally fine ^ ^ thank you for even considering !!


would you be willing to do a full body and bust for them? it's totally cool if not!

yah!! absolutely!! fuly rendered for both ?


yes please!! could you do the full body for them and the half body for either them or them? lmk if u want me to give more options for characters!!

6 Replies