Mini Purge's Comments

Hi I liked these guys and wanted to know how much art you'd be willing to take for em? I have examples in ic ^^

hi!! I did two colored and detailed headshots for: , so I'd be willing to take that for them!!

for the other character I'm mainly looking for money for them right now, but I'd be willing to sell them for $5 with the addition of art! if you prefer just art though I can notify you if I do plan on just taking just art in the future for them!

I can do the first one but I do not think I can do the second char BUT I would appreciate it if you can notify me if you do plan on taking just art for them ^^

If you are willing to do the first char though feel free to give me details on that! :D

awesome!! and don't worry I totally understand about the second character, I'll let you know if I plan on taking just art for them later!! ^^

for the first character would you mind doing headshots of: and :))

Yeah I should be able to try them!

awesome thank you so much!! lemme know if they're too complicated in their details and I can pick someone else uwu

Hiiiii I really liked


Does anyone in my th interest? (Can add art as an add on)

hey!! I didn't see anyone yet, but I may come back and look again later!

I didn't expect someone to comment so quickly and I'm still going through my secondary folder to list off characters I won't sell, and bloofies apart of that :(( thanks so much for the interest tho!!

That’s Alr! Take ur time!

lol yeah :,D its alr!!!! I’m okay with whatever your final desicion is ^^

I appreciate it!! :)) so sorry for the inconvenience about bloofie, u were really quick xDD


It’s Alr lmfao, I tend to be fast XD