*Delibirdie Crew



1 month, 3 days ago


Old profile

Crew name: Delibirdie Crew (Pronounced Dee-Lee-Bird-Ee)
Captain: Camilla (Butterfree)
Chief Officer: Yunhuan (Dragonair) (NPC)
Starting members:
  • Camilla (captain)
  • Yunhuan (NPC) (chief officer)
  • Dalia (NPC) (pilot of the Colossus)
  • TBA (It’s a fairly large crew, so there’s a lot of NPCs here)
Open to join?: Yes! Feel free to @ or DM me!
  • Any character can become a deckhand (menial tasks, transporting stuff, etc)
  • To get to a higher rank, the character will have to earn the crew’s trust, in their backstory or in-RP.
Slogan: Delivers anything, anywhere, anytime!


This crew mainly deals with cargo transportation between planets. They are willing to work for anyone as long as they are paid, though they do have qualms about openly transporting illegal items or people with bounties. They’d rather not lose their jobs by getting found with said illegal items, though a good reason, sad story, or effective concealment might persuade them anyway.

The crew will take jobs either through a face-to-face interaction with Camilla and Yunhuan, or through their website. Either way, jobs will be evaluated by both of them to make sure they seem alright to do (which is nearly always the verdict, they really only reject like… clearly illegal jobs).

Since the crew has little to no chance to visit home with their large amount of jobs and long distances travelled, Camilla allows the crew to bring their family members along. Hence, most members of the crew simply reside on the ships themselves, often with close family members. Children of the crew often end up in online schooling.

There are no requirements to be hired by the crew as a deckhand, and they believe in not asking too many questions about another’s past. People can also join the crew temporarily, offering their services (usually as deckhands) in exchange for transportation without question, though they will not get paid for this. Getting to a higher position, such as navigator or pilot, requires one to prove they can be trusted and are skilled, and needs to be approved by Camilla and Yunhuan.

There are communal weapons available on the Compass and Colossus, mostly legal guns. These are for those who do not own their own firearms to use in case of emergencies.

Crew relationships:
  • Apollo Adams: A businessman who has a long-term collaboration with the Delibirdie Crew. When his own crew is unable to carry out deliveries, the Delibirdie Crew helps him with it. This collaboration has gone on for a few years by now.
Ship type:
  • 1x Ferrum C.C.O Colossus (Base ship - Express and Vultures dock here when not in use)
  • 1x Ferrum C.C.O Express (Used to transport cargo from the Colossus to destinations and vice versa, usually docked on the Colossus)
  • 1x Corsair Compass (Crew’s family can stay here, can protect itself if needed)
  • 2x Nyx Vulture (For protection - the Colossus is too large to be protected effectively by just one, usually either docked on the Colossus or patrolling around it)
Flag: (see gallery)