Edit: i decided to just dm you on discord since it's my preferred method of communicating!

Can I snag B1 and F2 via paypal if they're still open? 

If C2 is still open, I'd love to claim them. Via paypal again! I just keep coming back and looking at all them and they're all so goooooooddddd

And also D5 if still open as well

Sent a dm on discord ^^

;w; may I get F1 via PayPal? 

Absolutely!! Any specific requests for the design? :D And feel free to send the payment to [email protected] !!

Edit:  :'D oh nooo I was thinking of a different pairing I was hemming and hawing over!! Please forgive me! 

If you haven't started yet, let me correct myself ;w;' 

I'd love love blue eyes, and black tipped ears, mostly white/Grey dapple but with a nice drizzle of gold ;w; and frekkers~

Thanks >w<

Could I snag B3, B4, and E2? If allowed multiple 

Absolutely!! Any specific requests for them? And would you prefer PayPal or Venmo? :0

No requests! Everything up to you!

And PayPal :3

Awesome, sounds good!! Feel free to send the $90 to [email protected] whenever you’re able!! I’ll get to work asap >:3c

Payment has been sent :3c