
3 months, 25 days ago




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This character's description contains mentions of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse, pedophilia, and religious themes.

Alexei Kozlov

AGE 32
HEIGHT 5ft 10
ALIASES Father Kozlov
GENDER Cis man 

Alexei is a sadistic man. He runs a russian orphanage and preys upon the children that live inside. He is a christian man who enforces the teachings of the bible with no remorse.


Alexei's charisma allows him to seamlessly transition from preaching about the virtues of God and religion to wielding fear and threat against the children in his care. Despite his outwardly pious demeanor, his callous actions and cruel treatment of the young children under his supervision reveal a darker side to his personality.

His true motivations reveal a man driven only by his own desires, using the guise of religious teachings as a mask to justify his manipulative and harmful behavior. Alexei is a dangerous individual, skilled in the art of deception and willing to do anything to maintain his image and continue his reign over the orphanage.

Alexei employs a variety of tactics to maintain his power and silence those who might try to speak out against him. He ensures that anyone who threatens to expose his true nature is ruthlessly coerced into believing they deserve the injustices he inflicts.

He is not one to shy away from intimidation, even going so far as to threaten children and adults alike. The children in the orphanage have a generally negative opinion of Alexei, but they nonetheless obey his commands and frown upon anyone whom Alexei has targeted. Alexei takes pleasure in this and actively encourages the children to single out and ostracize certain individuals, further cementing his control and manipulation over them.


Alexei is a tall man with pale tan skin. He is always wearing a cassock and a white stole, a symbol of his faith and position as caretaker of the orphanage, over his shoulders. He always has a smile on his face.

Alexei's brown hair is cut short and slightly wild, matching in hue to his perky brown ears. The ears are adorned with darker brown spots, and his tail is of an identical shade, matching his ear colors perfectly. A faint, shadowy stubble grows on his face.


Alexei's family life was unstable. His parents, both unaware of and unaddressed in managing their mental health issues, created an environment rife with strife and violence. Growing up, Alexei was exposed to constant yelling, shouting matches, and even instances of physical abuse between his parents.

Alexei was fortunate to have avoided much of the physical abuse that his parents directed towards each other. However, the constant atmosphere of tension and turmoil in his home was a constant source of stress and anxiety throughout his formative years. He often found himself caught in the crossfire, forced to witness the volatile interactions between his parents, leaving a lasting impact on his young psyche.

Upon reaching adulthood, Alexei transformed from a young boy scarred by his tumultuous upbringing. He emerged as a kind and loving individual, eager to spread warmth and positivity to those around him. His empathetic nature led him to seek to heal the wounds caused by his own past, becoming a source of comfort and support for others.

Despite his newfound kindness and love, Alexei harbored a darker side within him. Although he had grown beyond the chaos of his youth, his past traumas continued to simmer beneath the surface, waiting to ignite at any given moment. He tried to hid it the best he could, refusing to let anyone see the darkness within him.

As a person, Alexei possessed a magnetic charm that effortlessly drew friends to him. He had a natural ability to connect with people and his charisma was undeniable. He was a people person, easily making friends wherever he went.

Alexe was introduced to Sasha Ivanova by someone they both knew. He was drawn to her simple and kind nature. Even after losing touch with the mutual friend, he continued to be close with Sasha.

When Alexei made the decision to open an orphanage, he readily welcomed Sasha's assistance, thankful for her support and companionship. He recognized the value of her presence and appreciated her willingness to be a part of his ambitious endeavor.


?-†; He has many undiagnosed hereditary mental illnesses 

?-†; He ignores many parts of the bible unless he's using it against the children of the orphanage.

?-†; His voice claim is Nathaniel Hawthorne (Bungou Stray Dogs)