Sindri's Comments

oh my lord this design is beautiful??

 id love to offer some artwork and anyone from here or if that would interest you!! 0:

I’m sorry I forgot to update this! They’re on hold atm, but I’ll let you know if it falls through ^^ Tysm for ur interest 

it fell through! i didn't see anyone that caught my eye but I might be interested in some art ^^

that's okay! - i'd be very happy to offer some art in exchange, here is my price list!

i can draw your usual canine - feline + and mythical creatures! no humanoids or anthros though! i can do a detailed and rendered bust for you or a flat fullbody!

omg I’d cry for one of your flat fullbodies, your art is so pretty!
would this character be okay?

omg i love this guy, id be more than happy to draw you up a fullbody of them!

did you have any specific requests regarding their personality- any postures or expressions? or would you rather leave it up to artistic liberty! thank you for being so patient with me!

my discord is san.dreas if you'd like regular updates/wips and I can send you files!

I’m totally fine with artistic freedom! And added u on disc ^^ I look forward to it! 

2 Replies