


3 months, 28 days ago



"Kindness is a small act, but one with powerful ripples. "

Title The Blossoming Field

Court Rank Lady of the Fields

Health 100/100

  • FULL NAME: Lotusseed


  • MOTHER: Yang

  • FATHER: Horatio

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • FAVORED SPIRIT: Leos the Preservation

  • RANK: Lady of the Fields

  • TITLE: The Blossoming Field

  • SQUIRE:None

  • STATUS: Living


The first Lady of the Fields in the Court of Roses, Lotusseed carries herself with kindness always. She is definitely "the mom friend" of both the court and the Court. She interacts with the rest of the clan outside of the court, more than may be expected, even as her role as healer. Her nestside manners have made her a favorite court member for many of the clan. She was given the title of The Blossoming Field, to acknowledge both her position as the first ever Lady of the Fields, and for her flowering personality.


Lotusseed is immensly kind. While some have joked that she follows the paws of The Fertility, a spirit known for its love and protective nature, Lotusseed prefers to follow The Preservation. Sometimes kindness is (regrettably) not the answer. Lotusseed would rather do what she must to protect and preserve. However, she is very grateful that she has not had to resort to violent methods yet.


Lotus was born to a pair of kittypets, that belonged to a retired veterinarian. She learned through watching, fascinated by the way her owner could turn a broken limb into a healthy one over the course of time. And while she could never figure out just what it was he would give his patients, by speaking with them and discerning the effects, she was able to earn the plant variants.

However, tragedy would strike and the one patient her owner could not save was himself. After he passed, Lotus found herself on the streets, her parents having died several years prior. She took up her owners practices, trying to help those that she could.

One night, Lotus found herself faced with a glowing cat, who spoke of a Court in need of her skills. It spoke of trials the Court would face, and how with her help, they may be able to avoid medical disasters. Her heart aching for these cats she had yet to meet, Lotus agreed, and followed the spirit to a garden.


Lotus brought with her the few plants she did have stored, and upon introducing herself to the Crown Rose, she was given the name Lotusseed "For the way the seeds of your skills will blossom into a great future for the Court". She took to quick work harvesting seeds from the medicinal plants in the garden, preparing for the day the Court would need to move.


  • Gardening
  • Sunlight
  • Squirrels
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Snakes
  • Fish
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Gardening
  • Sunning
  • Climbing
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Lotusseed was originally going to be named Aloeseed, but I liked the sound of Lotus better
  • Her phenotype is: shorthair black classic tabby with minimal white spotting and green eyes
  • Her genotype is: [ LL / B- / Xo- / A- / mcmc / C- / Wsw ]
  • Pellentesque suscipit odio quis neque lacinia, facilisis condimentum nisl mattis.
  • Praesent et augue non ex facilisis pharetra.

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