May I have Alyx please? I will use him for animations since he has a rather simple design. Please and thank you ^^

Sent! Sorry about the wait I had to wait for my friend to log onto TH to transfer it!

It's alright! Thank you though, have a great day or night! ^^

heya could i have 74, b59, silver please!  silver is for my irl friend x3 id like to get them for art, make vr models out of them please!


could I have 74 from the oc’s section? Thank you for the opportunity:)


Could I have

I'll use them as a main story character! :D


Ahhhh could I have this guy? I would use him in a story I want to work on thats kinda based off of the amazing digital circus and i think he would fit PERFECTLY in the story :3


Aaa! I love this guy! Can i snatch him? I would probably give him a little redesign, but i love my dinosaurs so much

Sent  could I grab this cutie?


aaa ty!! ^^

I can send tubon since azu is pending now, but I cant make profiles for the others (you can make them, just credit Faxwhorp )

Oh sure! And damn I really wanted Azu, it was a luvk I even saw this cause I commented before you posted the link to this post and i noticed it was delated so I checked xd 

And awesome I'll take them now!

I read the post again, I commented first cause the link to this post wasn't in there when I saw it XD

But yeah, the two free concept guys will be used in my chaotic word! Most things don't make sense and is a really fun thing! Kinds like The Owl House words but the lore and all is completely different XD

For Azu and Tubon I want him mainly for drawings and RP! I think they'll go excellently with the history my friends and I are RP is a mix of fantasy, horror and romance! 

Would it be alright if I take Serendipity on Toyhouse

I could definitely use them for my WC story so they wouldn't be collecting dust

Sorry I didnt notice but someone commented before for them <:[

Ah, you're good!

Thanks for following up actually and letting me know ^^

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could I adopt ?

I commented under the oc too!^^

It's very beautiful I love the colors and everything about them! 

This one actually is write to adopt sorry <:], if you give a good story abt them you can get them!

They would be friends with my Oc/Sona

Mostly a night creature, they like to explore the darkest places and sometimes they like to collect little things that they find on their trips

They met my sona on a trip where they both were exploring a great garden full of little sparkling fairies

They are very kind, caring and quite the clowny one if they are with the right creatures/people!

Greetings,, this one perphaps?, I would like to be friends with some other oc's of mine and write a story.

Thanks in advance. 


May i re-home I feel like this little guy would love Christmas and he would definitely be a comfort Sona! I'm about to make a comfort folder but this little guy would be the first! Also I love his cute lil sweater. He looks like he would dive into the snow like a fox would

Sent! Thats super cute :]


Hallo! May we home Ouma? We love the desing and really like when characters are sea based, would most likely use it as a main comfort as it looks fun to draw and we feel a comfort from it <3

Sent them!

hi may i snag waverunner :3? i love his color palette, v northern lights-esque !

(my bad, accidentally commented there first)


thanks so much :3! Id really love to own em! Id love to have em as a creature of the night! <3


thank you!! :D

Can i snag em?

Their rolez would be-

1st one-

Name- plug

Role- virus god of wifi

2nd one-

Name- crash

Role- elder celestial of space

3rd one-

Name- dril

Role- paradox mining god


Ill and the species and everything else btw :]

Sent them!


Is it still available?

Yep! Sent!

Thank you so much!

Heyo I'd love to take this two!

Torments I want to use him for both Helluva boss and my original word of demons and stuff!

For Card I'll use them for my Dinosaurs kingdom world! Is a medieval and fantasy kind of word!

Sorry I really dont like to associate with that fandom, but Ill send you card!

It's okay I can not use him at all for that, I was mainly gonna use him for my Demon world history!

That one goes on the lore that the word suddenly becomes tangled with other realities and they have to start to Live with other races! ^^

I would really like to have him but I'll understand if you denie anyways, but if you do accept giving him to me I promise to never use him for that fandom or something related to them!

Hello, I'd love to possibly get Teal Fog! I love their coloration, and could use more anthro based monster characters. Thank you so much in advance if so!


I absolutely love Sir Regal!! Would it be possible to have him, I could see him as an arakokra character in DnD :D


I'd like to claim this fella Sunset as I think they would suit well in a Wings of Fire or some dragon verse world or au. I would see them having a conflicting arc between the way of a dragon or the way of mankind, for I would give them a rider possibly unless I change my mind or think of something better.


Thank you <3

Can I adopt this cute guy? I would like to give him to one of my TMNT characters as a pet! I'd like him as a mount, but he looks a bit too skinny for that, hehe :D

Sorry he was claimed just before you <:[

its okay :)

heyo! could i adopt this goober ? they are very cute :3

Ofc! Tysm!

These guys all have sona potential I love them so much omg. I’d love to use them as sonas and basically just bombard them with art shdhdhd-

I saw Salem is wta, so I’ll write a little something! I’d use them for the same thing as above btw!

Basically they’d be a Halloween spirit, who haunts those who don’t give out candy (cliché I know lol). If you aren’t giving out candy, then you’ll become the candy (hence the paws sticking out of the bucket lol)

Salem and red were already claimed sorry! But I sent the other two!

I loved the designs of them both! & I'd love to add them both to a semi-open species (YVVO) nd work them together with my other characters. Thanks in advance for the opportunity 

Im very sorry they were claimed :[

Hi hello! May I please adopt If they're still available? ^^


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Sent!!! Tysm!!

if still available I'd like to adopt

Also and the other^^

Thanks for considering me<3

Sent!! :]

Thank you so much<3

Idk if there's a limit to how many we're allowed but I'd really love and

The first one I'd use as probably a vent character and the second would join the storyline for my main characters who run a casino, he could be the assistant to Ringmaster :3

Moss was already claimed but sent the other! Ty!!

Tyvm ♡

Id absolutely love these dudes mostly for silly rps and for my friend who'd LOVE jade, I'm always liking to try new characters 

Sent! The bee is still a raffle but you can enter by faving it!

Tysm! And I totally will do :D 

yoo wandering moss dropp is sick! i'd put em in the same universe as another oc of mine (who is on auth sorry!!). it's just a world about people and cryptids, there isn't really any deep lore yet it's basically just my story to mess around and make fun monster designs lol

ah, was too late! gg yall

hey! could i claim this fella? id love to make lore for em ^ ^

Sorry theyve been claimed :[


alr! tysm for the characters ^ ^

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Sent both!