Feng Mi Summerstar



1 month, 11 hours ago


Feng is a ginger and white furred mainland Pandaren with long yellow-streaked hair and golden eyes. Born to a silk farmer family in the Valley of the Four Winds, Feng Mi was chosen by Chi-Ji himself while she was very young to join the Golden Lotus and help protect the hidden Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Growing up, she became interested in the Titan magic that had helped to bloom the Vale in the first place, and swore herself to the brightness of the sun and the principles of order and goodness, though unofficially. Over time, serving as both a member of the Golden Lotus and a disciple of the Red Crane, Feng noticed that, as she swung her weapon, sparks would emit from her mace and paws, and decided to focus on this glint of magic. When the Alliance and Horde landed on Pandaria, Feng learned that this power was called "the Light" and that she had unintentionally found this entity and sworn herself to it, and now also helps to serve as a member of the Horde as well as Tyr's Guard.