


25 days, 3 hours ago


The unsuccessful clown

Bobo is Hoho's "rival" in clownery but he's not a good clown at all, his intense strength always accidentally breaks props, pops balloons and his appearance scares children. No matter how hard he tries nobody laughs at any of his jokes ( they're not funny aha) and as a result, he often wears a very depressed or grumpy expression.

He loves fishing in his spare time and is always in charge of chopping the lumber for the circus fire pit since he's stronger than even the strong man of the circus. He would probably cry and smile for the first time if someone laughed at his jokes or if a child wasn't scared of him.

Honestly he's just a big puppy that looks scary but in reality is completely harmless and lovable if you get to know him.

Hoho doesn't see him as a rival, he'd actually love to be friends with Bobo but he's just too anxious to speak to him.

His favorite joke - "Why shouldn't you tell pigs your secrets? Because they always squeal."