One Piece- Sunnie



3 months, 16 days ago



Age: 26

Birthday: April 15th

Height: 9'4"

Origin: South Blue 

Bounty: Excused 

Blood Type: B

Devil Fruit: Tori Tori no Mi- Suzume (mystical bird zoan)

Personality: Enigmatic, dangerous and playful---Sunnie is the type of person to never let anyone get close but likes to be personal with everyone. They are a free spirit, independent to a fault and like to cause trouble for everyone but usually always in the vein of wanting to tease and play with people. As standoffish as they seem, they are generally friendly and enjoy talking to and meeting others. But don't try to pin them down anywhere---they will use their massive zoan form to terrorize and punish people trying to control them. Expect to be flirted with relentlessly---this bird is a femme fatale.


Sunnie was born at sea to a crew of unknown pirates---mother died in childbirth leaving the captain (her father) to raise her amongst his crew. This was a good life for Sunnie, she excelled at what she were taught and used her ability to learn quickly to find a place on the crew even as a small child. At four, the crew had the rare fortune of finding a devil-fruit---some wanted to sell it but others thought the Captain should eat it and gain the power to help the crew rise out of obscurity. The Captain, in a misguided attempt to make pirate life safer for his toddler, had Sunnie eat it instead.

It took the child a year to be strong enough to fly, stealing, distracting marine ships and other pirates and checking ahead for islands for her father's crew before finally setting out on her own. The next two decades have been spent in blissful independence---Sunnie makes money as a courier---able to fly at incredible speeds, strong enough to defend any confidential correspondence and willing to work for just about anyone means she have met and networked with a variety of different people. Marines. Yonko. Revolutionaries---you know it Sunnie has probably run their private mail for them. Rivalry with Big News Morgan is one of Sunnie's favorite pastimes.

Around the age of 24, Sunnie happened to meet Kaido----flying over the terribly dangerous coastline of Wano---a typhoon hit mid-flight and sent Sunnie crashing into rocky shores---leaving them debilitated and gravely injured. Her usefulness and infamy as a deadly and capricious courier saw her survive meeting Kaido and soon she was employed by him---running between Wano and WCI while she recovered. This is where she is now, and perhaps she has a bit of a soft spot for Onigashima---and Who lives there.