


5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Jen, Genie









Relationship Status



Height: 6'0'' Weight:150 lbs

Birthday: June 27th Job:Art Vendor

  Genie's Artistry is located at the Witch Market and features a variety of paintings as well as pottery. She runs the stall a few days a week, using the other days to make pottery to sell. All paintings are created by the two other people she lives with.


Jeanne is hard-working and dedicated to the core. She believes firmly in giving it your all to get what you want in life. However, this does cause her to be very far sighted and miss more current matters in her life. She is mostly compassionate but has a hard time expressing herself in a gentle manner aka tsundere.  She is not afraid to be cruel if provoked and her stubbornness is also something to keep an eye out for, as she will rarely back down from her opinion unless given just reason.

Likes:                                                                                Dislikes:

■Seafood ■Animals ■Spring ■Cosmetology                                       ■Reading ■The Occult ■Swimming ■Indecisiveness


Favorite: "You---I---Thank you so much! This is greatly appreciated." /// Seafood Doria
Like: "How did you know I liked this? Thank you very much." /// Sashimi Dishes, Clay 
Dislike: "You really did not have to. As in I do not want anything to do with it." /// Cabbage Dishes, Milk


Jeanne's love for pottery came from her great-aunt Ginny. Watching her delicate hands create marvels in all shapes and sizes inspired her to do the same. So from a young age she began to study in creating pottery. It was a hobby at best growing up, but it was obviously more than that since it was a way to bond with her beloved great-aunt. Even when great-aunt Ginny became sick, albeit a little slower, the pair continued their craft together. Eventually, Ginny's sickness took her away from Jeanne and her family. Jeanne was left a key and letter upon passing--and in her will Ginny asked for only one thing: that her ashes be spread in the town of her birth, Ogregati. Ginny's widow decided to move to Ogregati and Jeanne, curious about the birthplace of her mentor and the contents of the letter and key bestowed upon her, decided to assist her.

The letter and key brought her to a small workshop deep in the forest with layers of dust and forgotten memories. Feeling great-aunt Ginny's will thrust upon her, Jeanne decided to make pottery her full time job and move to Ogregati. She cleaned up the workshop and not long after opened a stall in the Witch Market, selling whether beloved great-aunt taught her to create.

Current life in Ogregati is hard and seemingly never-ending but Jeanne loves it nevertheless. She is currently saving to one day build a house of her own with enough space to have a workshop attached.


Sun|Off Day| - Mon|Off Day| - Tue|Workshop| - Wed|Workshop| - Thu|Workshop| - Fri|Witch Market| - Sat|Witch Market|
Off - Non working days where Jeanne can be found roaming the city doing odd tasks and errands.
Workshop - 7A-9P Jeanne will be out of town in her forest workshop.
Witch Market - 8A-6P Jeanne will be running the Witch Market Stall.
                 **Schedule subject to deviate per special events such as festivals


■ She likes to paint in her spare time. Although the pressure of living with two professionals in the craft keeps her from showing her work to anyone. She will usually toss her creations out after completing them.
■ Jeanne is currently in the process of trying to quit her smoking habit. She usually hops from one quitting method to the next until she stresses and eventually caves in. It's a cycle she is attempting once and for all to end.
■ Her glasses are purely aesthetic. She wears them in an attempt to give herself a more sophisticated look.
■ Jeanne's Soundtrack:  /Character Insp Theme//Voice Sample Pt1//Voice Sample Pt2/


Start-Level: 10
Ability: None
Weapon: Projectile weapons such as sticks, rocks and failed pottery attempts.
Aka super wimp--bring into dungeons to babysit at your own risk