hello! i absolutely love all these designs :0 - i can offer a fullbody for sea bunny! (art examples hereĀ ^^)

OMG YES your art is so cute!!! :) im indecisive so ive got a lot of options for you, but if you could draw any of these characters thatd be awesome!!

Dottie, Roobeer, Skipper, Wraithe, Cosmic Crisp, Brushy

yay alright!! i'll draw roobeer if that's okay :D and i'll get started asap!

perfff! excited to see!!

hi hi !! the art should be pending to his profile :)

SO CUTEEEE THANK YOU!!! ill send your lil guy over shortly!!! :D

1 Replies

20 usd for Metalhead barracuda !!

can do!! :) you can send that to [email protected] on paypal or to my ko-fi, whichever you prefer!!

Sent via PayPal!

lovely!! ill send your fishy right over, thank you <3

I can do $60 for 2,8,and 9 total. i can do more money if needed

that works just fine for me!! you can send that to [email protected] on paypal and then ill get those sent your way!!

Can i have your kofi instead? I prefer paying that way if possible! (If not i can still do paypal)

oh yeah for sure! here you goooo https://ko-fi.com/spacessie


got it, thank you!! ill get those profiles set up and send them your way