


20 days, 13 hours ago


professional dumbass, has no idea what the fuck she’s talking about (except when she does know, and then they really do)

mc donalds enjoyer (it’s bad for your health but their brain is 80% potato anyway so it doesn’t really matter atp)

Ability description:

the way Kan’s power of clairvoyance works, is 80% of the time their brain is in a type of “sleep mode” acting on instinct and first thoughts, both verbally and physically. they think rationally, but take everything very, very, literally. metaphors, innuendos, advanced jokes, etc. all leave them with a blank :3 stare.

the reason for all this is because during the time in “sleep mode” Kan’s brain is saving up telekinetic waves, farther enhancing their intuitive powers. when clairvoyance is in use, their mind is released from “sleep” and put into “high gear” they then have all the functional no-nonsense rationality of a well trained military soldier 

when in “sleep mode” Kan’s fighting style is sporadic and unorthodox, which can be useful since the enemy will never know what she’ll do next