


5 years, 8 months ago


Gender: male
Species: ponchopal / starshine hybrid
Original post

 Kreo was a rather lonely starshine. he was made without any arms, which scared many of the other starshines away. so he never really tried to make friends. he was upset that they wouldn't like him, that's when he had the idea of what his cloth should be. he decided to make himself a cloth with a face, something to hide away his missing limbs. kind of like those poncho creatures he had seen wandering around the carnival. he admired how different they all were and wanted to be like them. so that he could be different to and maybe then someone would love him. he never expected though what would happen to his new poncho.
he was never a very good craftsmen himself, a poncho required no real sewing skill after all. so he ended up buying his charm. he found the charm behind the big tent at a rather spooky looking poncho's stall. it was sketchy, no one was around and this was all they seemed to have but he loved the little eye, he knew it would look perfect on his poncho for a neat little face. however, once it was attached the poncho came to life! he was terrified at first, turning to ask the sales pp to help him but once he had looked up again they were gone already. he could no longer remove the cloth around his neck now that it was sealed with the charm. no matter how he struggled with it. he started to cry a bit in his fright but the poncho felt back for him. it actually comforted him and as they started chatting they started to become friends.

as his new poncho friend grew on him they bonded in more than just a mental way. the closer they got the more together they felt, and kreo was happy to have him, though a few thought his poncho was still pretty weird, he didn't t mind so much anymore. he had a friend now. they played the games together and ate together and everything, inseparable by now. as they got closer a small fur tuft started forming on the poncho. kreo was curious about it but neither of them really knew what it was, his poncho assured him it was no pain so the two disregarded it at first. but soon enough it had grown into a full tail, the poncho was able to move it around and everything. they were delighted by the new limb, and the poncho friend even started to learn how to use the tail to grab things.