Myrrh (Fairy Tale)



1 year, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Myrrh lastname



Magical Girl Title

Fairy Tale


Team Fairy


Active MG


Leader (Attacker/Support)


Vocifery (Verbal Reality Manipulation)




Pink, Purple


(Sleepless Domain AU version of this character.)

"Once upon a time..."

Myrrh is the inscrutable leader of Team Fairy.

They have the power to make events come to pass by speaking them aloud. Provided Myrrh has knowledge of the target's capabilities and phrases their "narration" in a certain way, it will happen as they visualize. The phrasing usually needs to be in the form of a rhyme, but sometimes key "fairy tale" phrases work in a pinch if the "narrative flow" makes sense (e.g. starting a phrase with "Once upon a time, [event]" at the start of a battle; ending one with "...and they all lived happily ever after" to OHKO the last-remaining enemy toward the end of patrolling for the night). Concentration on visualizing the end result and having enough magic to spare are also required. For less probable or outright impossible events, more magic is used. For failed attempts or attacks that would require more magic than Myrrh has aav, Myrrh is rewarded with a massive headache.

This ability is powerful, but also leaves Myrrh vulnerable, as the need to concentrate tends to require staying still and not too out of breath to speak, hence the need for a larger team to back them up on the battlefield while using their powers. Myrrh helps lead them to succeed by being a great strategist - she has great practice picturing end results and can easily delegate roles to others in order to help enact those results based on others' capabilities.

Discipline, however, is not their strong suit. Myrrh actually has little say in whether others actually follow their directions, and must trust that they will do so, since they must stay in virtually one spot during patrols. Aofie was the main breach of that trust. After repeated incidents of teammates getting put in danger because of her antics, culminating in the event with Fairy Wind, Myrrh made the decision to oust Aofie from the team, with eventual support from their manager (who, of course, did not want to bust up a matched set, but after hearing Elise's decision to retire and Natasha's plans to start her own team, relented - and, of course, assisted in finding Aofie a new manager). 

Myrrh was saddened by Natasha's decision to leave, as well, but respect the reasons behind it and continues to stay on good terms with her, if at a distance. Their teams do not interact directly much out on patrol due to lingering discomforts for both parties, as well as combined team sizes. However, they know each others' usual routes well, and are able to adjust coverage/support as needed in their vicinities, which the CDD likes.

Team Fairy's manager wants to recruit Myrrh into the management biz when they age out.