Shi Teffo



5 years, 8 months ago


Full Name ► Shi Teffo
Nickname(s) ► Overlord
Age ► Appers to be 30, but is much older.
Gender ► Male
Race ► Demigod
Role ► Mastermind; he granted all of his followers their individual powers. Some were experimental, some more deliberate. He keeps his chosen close to him in his court, but has allies across many large nations.
Attributes ► Front-tied black hair, inverse orange eyes, tan skin, tattoos across his body
Height/Weight ► 6,0"ft 161lbs
Outfit ► Red robe with fur, skull belt, arm bands, dark pants*
Weapon ► None
Occupation ► Leader of the Association of Evil and descendant of gods.
Birthday ► May 7th, AE base
Sexuality ► Asexual
Likes ► Winning, savory foods, strategizing, magic, being in control
Dislikes ► Sweets, the Warriors, being questioned, the chaos of nature, waiting
Fears ► Losing to Mugaro
Extra ► Decimus Orinidus*
Relations ► "Brother" to Mugaro; ally to Alferic

Personal ►► Shi Teffo is a demigod competing with Mugaro for a similar goal: becoming god of the world and reshaping it to his own image. He values thought, order, and control of all of the world’s elements. He has little care for what he needs to do in order to get there, seeing what exists now as a practice for what is to become real. He hardly cares about his own people either, most are part of his experimentation process. Above all he believes in keeping himself separate from other beings. What makes him appealing is both his promise of power and his emphasis on giving his people a choice.