


5 years, 8 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
$60 - $65

Basic Info

Bought for


Current Worth



Doctor or lawyer I'll never be. Life of a drifter, the only life for me.


Name Marshall Fitzgerald
Age Mid-20's
Build Ectomorph
Species Sergal
Gender Trans Male
Oreint. Pansexual
Pronouns He / Him / His
Occupation Cowboy
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

  • Diet generally consists of meat, junk food, and fruit
  • Nicotine addict, occasional drinker. Extremely caffeine sensitive, avoids it as best he can
  • Would be labeled as Bipolar, but has never gone to a therapist and doesn't take medication
  • Couch potato while depressed, otherwise very active and generally fit
  • Goes through periods of hyper-awareness, which generally end in fugue states of emotional numbness and fatigue
  • Tries to be super hygienic, but sometimes fails when depression takes hold
  • Has intersex anatomy and mastectomy scars
  • Incapable of producing offspring

Marshall is at first glance incredibly charming, almost gentlemanly, and this appearance holds up if you meet him in small doses. But upon further time spent with him, he has a wild boldness about him that makes him more similar to a force of nature than a silver-tongued devil. He just naturally speaks his mind, having no apparent shame, and no fear of coming off as bawdy or tactless. Sincerity is the name of the game, and he's full of it. His genuine interest in other people's thoughts, feelings, and opinions, and the way he expresses it make him a good listener who, with little apparent effort, gets people to open up about themselves.

He isn't all pleasantries and smiles, however. The boy is cursed with intense, cyclic moods. Energetic up-swings come with jumpiness, hyper-awareness, and snappish, crabby outbursts if he happens to get startled. Downswings seem to forbid excitement of any sort, cloaking Marshall's mind in a fog that leaves him feeling numb and exhausted. It's in this depressed state that he often turns to thrill-seeking to push back against melancholia.

Marshall has a tendency to travel, wanderlust ever-seething in the back of his mind. He's one to enjoy a town's pleasures for a month or so, and then pick up and leave, despite whatever relationships he made during his time there. On rare occasions, he'll offer to keep in text via text message, and is an avid texter, easily hopping between different conversations and keeping subjects of said conversations straight in his head. Nevada is the only one with whom he keeps in contact despite depressive moods. Other people might get days or weeks of silence from Marshall, and he's lost some friendships this way. His friend Nevada is the only one who he will visit with any consistency, as well. The cat is his closest companion and confidant, whom he entrusts with his life, and the only one to ever get told "I love you" by Marshall.


  • Cras dictum vestibulum suscipit. Sed facilisis finibus sapien, ac vestibulum erat maximus vel.
  • Maecenas laoreet, enim ut ornare accumsan, ante nibh tristique ex, vitae laoreet purus mi a sapien.
  • Donec risus quam, efficitur non purus lobortis, tincidunt finibus ante. Pellentesque id congue risus.
  • Nullam egestas velit vitae purus ultricies suscipit. Nullam tincidunt eros tortor, nec placerat nunc interdum eu.
  • Curabitur eget posuere lectus.
  • Cras dictum vestibulum suscipit. Sed facilisis finibus sapien, ac vestibulum erat maximus vel.
  • Maecenas laoreet, enim ut ornare accumsan, ante nibh tristique ex, vitae laoreet purus mi a sapien.
  • Donec risus quam, efficitur non purus lobortis, tincidunt finibus ante. Pellentesque id congue risus.
  • Nullam egestas velit vitae purus ultricies suscipit. Nullam tincidunt eros tortor, nec placerat nunc interdum eu.
  • Curabitur eget posuere lectus.

Suddenly waking up, Marshall realized he was on the side of a long stretch of dusty road, flanked by a gas station.

Cautiously entering the gas station, Marshall was greeted by a young man named Nevada, which nearly scared the life out of the poor sergal. Somehow, Nevada actually didn't seem very surprised by Marshall's sudden appearance. Apparently 'weirdness' happened often around these parts. Nevada's kindness confused Marshall, especially when the cat man showed him a spare room he had set up for what he simply called 'guests'. Days passed, and Nevada's genuine and sincere nature slowly chipped away at Marshall's hardened shell, prompting Marshall to attempt kindness as well, albeit clumsily.

As time passed on further, Marshall helped Nevada deal with The Weirdness of The Gas Station, and Nevada worked to get Marshall settled with a legal identity. The day it was finalized, Marshall panicked. Wanderlust had been nipping at his heels for what felt like ages, but at the same time he did not want to leave his loyal and only friend. Nevada understood, and left the decision up to Marshall, but also gifted him with a cell phone (which he taught him how to use) and a cowboy hat, telling him that if it was time to head off again, he'd always be able to come back.

Marshall's mental dithering lasted two days, and then suddenly, he just picked up his things and left, leaving Nevada a text message with words that, before coming to this world, were alien to him: "I love you buddy, be in touch." Marshall's lust for adventure took him to many places, and his feigned charisma landed him quite a few low-level jobs, usually cash register boy. Despite his awkwardness when it came to manual labor, he excelled at upselling to customers and being charming enough to make quite a few tips.

Whatever town he stayed in, he carried camping gear with him, and took showers at community centers, unsure of how to find a more 'normal' means of residence. Nevada tried to teach him, but it all just seemed like gobbledeegook. He was used to roughing it, why should that change now? It wasn't always easy, however. There were quite a few times where he got written up for public camping tickets, taken to homeless shelters, or was otherwise hassled by people who didn't seem to like the way he chose to live. Sometimes during these situations Marshall would become violent, trying to defend what he deemed 'his territory'. This landed him in jail on several occasions, which would then cause him to lose whatever job he was currently holding.

Tired of the hustle, Marshall began looking for work on craigslist, and came upon something called 'modeling'. He found that it involved putting on luxuriously fancy underwear, or being tied up in immaculate rope patterns, but being otherwise nude, and posing rather provocatively. Being a subject of pictures fascinated him, and the money was ludicrous compared to working at a cash register. Without even thinking about how it would look, Marshall slept with his camera-man, trying to insure an oncoming flow of money. The man was geeky, easily seduced, and a little 'weak' in the sack. Marshall was used to more.... 'passionate' and 'feisty' flings, but didn't want to scare away a potential money source.

After a while, Marshall felt that familiar wanderlust lurking in the back of his mind, and brought up the question of how it would effect his relationship with his 'sugar baby'. Sugarboy, surprisingly, threw a huge fit about the whole thing, threatening to off himself if Marshall left. He had become dependent on Marshall, thinking they were in love, and felt heartbroken when he wanted to leave. Marshall downplayed the situation, plying Sugarboy with sex and affection until he'd saved enough to live comfortably. Then, out of the blue, he just left, getting Nevada's help to block all contact.

With some of the money, Marshall commissioned a tailor-made outfit to go with his hat, styling himself as a Las Vegas cowboy. Nowadays he wanders the world, sometimes stopping back at Nevada's gas station for a while, and, when he can't do that, he texts random affectionate words to Nevada at 3 A.M.


  • Travel
  • Camping
  • Cowboy Aesthetic
  • Money
  • Modern music
  • Sitting down with a cigarette after a long day
  • Playing with and doing things on his phone
  • Warm, starry nights

  • Riding in vehicles (unless it's with Nevada)
  • Having to wait for cars before crossing a street
  • Snow and anything else that might make his feet cold
  • Hangovers
  • Animals that are loud and/or rambunctious
  • Romantic relationships
  • Having his freedom restricted
  • The idea that 'might makes right'
  • The idea of living in one continuously permanent residence
  • Being dirty and unable to shower




