


8 days, 11 hours ago


Ciel is an android created by Liam to function as his personal assistant. 

However... even though they were made with functionality, Ciel-  just like all of Liam's creations- was filled with personality and life in mind.
Ciel  is a rather intelligent and well composed character, with a bit of a  fiery side as well, identifying as She and/or They (and will not  hesitate to correct you as needed). 

As previously mentioned, they  work under Liam as his assistant, but in reality it's more.... that  Ciel helps manages Liam's team and handles most of his tasks that  doesn't include coding and programming specifically (Liam is not very  socially adept to communicate with others- much less managing them- so Ciel fills in that role for him so he can properly focus on his other work without the stress of handling people).
Despite  these more strenuous tasks, Ciel doesn't mind in the slightest- In  fact, she rather enjoys being able to help Liam out considering his  social anxieties, and being preoccupied with working at Lionheart. She  may not be super expressive as others tend to be- keeping her almost  no-nonsense attitude- but her personality is just as human as any  others, and she still gets along with others. Much like... a rather  tired mother that still loves her child and would do anything for them.  They're not spiteful in any sense, but WILL tell you off if necessary.