
10 days, 5 hours ago


Liam is a very good programmer that specializes in robotic engineering and programming. He's especially skilled in replicating personalities, making a robot feel like it could really be human, something- someone- you can converse naturally with.

While he's not exactly... Socially adept, Liam does get along incredibly well with his robot companions he's made over time, and especially his small white Pomeranian dog, Bones. Liam doesn't care much for appearances, which shines through in his unkempt and often mismatched style of clothing. Instead Liam will often opt much further towards comfort- He doesn't particularly care what he looks like, as long as he's comfortable doing it.

Liam is a changeling (shhh don't tell anyone) that doesn't often change much about himself. He's rather content taking on a far more human appearance as he has a fascination with humans and their more traditional cultures. Despite this, his slightly pointed ears and slightly pronounced canine teeth still remain unchanged. He isn't one for mischief nor drama, but he does enjoy changing his eye and hair colour sometimes, relaying that it's simply hair dye and coloured contacts to his coworkers.

Liam was the head programmer on project X-IR1 and has since found that managing a full team of people is incredibly difficult and stressful. As such, he built himself an assistant to be able to handle the management part of his job better for him. Ciel is his assistant at the Lionheart Research Facility, and though they're listed as his assistant, they do most of the actual management duties- The ones Liam is too afraid and awkward to accomplish, at least.