


5 years, 8 months ago


Busshuraion or lion bush
bush lion statue guardian yokai



age: 1500 yrs

info: he's the alpha leader of the moss statue cats yokai clan, he's very different from actual moss statue cats appareance, ironically his specie born from the same moss statues.

lore: every 2000 yrs a new alpha leader for their clan born to sustitude the old one, the statue of the actual leader, their statue will broke if the new leader has born to continue their legacy, the new born leader can be different from the others due to their bluish stoned pelt, pinkish plant growth and crystals over their body, the new born leader is easy to recognize due to this unusual appareance that make them different from the others, once the new leader is ready to take the old one place they will have a ceremony and give them a name (the new leaders born without givin them a name till the ceremony) after the ceremony the leader turns into statue falling into a deep sleep and will only wake up if his clan really needs him, some old leaders never get to wake up so they stay as statues till their time comes. 

their stoned pelt broke by the passed years or just brutal battles, some leader also get to die sooner from the supposed time they really had to die.