Oberlan Isentide



6 years, 23 hours ago


Art Notes


  • Upper class late medieval with some Tudor influences, and slight Korean or Slavic influences in the robes.
  • Can be drawn in white armor.
  • Favors fiery colors and white/black/grey. Never seen in greens, and only rarely in browns. Other colors are fine as accents.
  • Please don't draw him in the robe with the gold/black twisted trim!
  • Thin, sharp features.
  • Strong shoulders, but overall lean and wiry.
  • Hair is long, curly, and copper-red. Always clean-shaven.
  • Amber eyes.
  • Wan complexsion--pale, almost greyish.
  • Mid-late 30s.
  • 6'1"/1.85m
  • Externally calm, cool, collected, unruffled.
  • Internally passionate.
  • Driven to reach his goals.
  • Manipulative and possessive.

Scene Ideas:

  • Sitting in his throne or attending court.
  • Playing stones (Go) or tiles (a mahjong-like game).
  • Sparring or practicing archery.
  • Standing in cool places gazing off into the distance. He's really good at that!
  • Issuing orders of any kind.
  • Ivian is his warden and semi-secretly his lover. In their relationship, both romantically and professionally, Oberlan is deeply possessive and Ivian is subservient. Ivian is one of the only people privy to Oberlan's passions and innermost thoughts.
  • Zessa is the seneschal of Arcascath, helping Oberlan with the day-to-day upkeep, distribution of resources, etc. Zessa is cunning and has a unique point of view, traits which Oberlan deeply admires. In some ways, she is his only friend.
  • Raiga, as Taraga's prince, is treated with great respect. Oberlan holds him in high regard, respecting the prince's integrity and intelligence.
  • Darkeye and Briartongue he has only pure hatred for.