Bijou Adeline



8 years, 5 months ago



                  Bijou Adeline               
Phonetic Name: Bē-ˌzhü AA-deh-liyiyN 
Age: 18
Dance Style: Electro Dance
                 Physical Traits                 
 Gender Female
 Height 5'3"
 Hair Color Blue
 Eye color Blue
 Complexion White
 Nationality French
                   Personal Info                  
 HobbiesShopping, Dancing,
Playing phone apps.
 LikesTriangles, glow in the dark,
 DislikesNovels, Mornings,
Coffee, Long lines,
rainy days
 Favorite FoodDoritos, Hamburgers,
Gelato, Macaroons
 Love Interest --
 Relatives --
 Friends --

She likes triangle accessories,shopping and glow in the dark stuff. She’s cheerful and loves to have fun but at times can be pretty stubborn and over confident. She always tries her best and is ready to fight if someone messes with her or her gang.


Bijou is a pretty cheerful girl but also really stubborn and can be a little harsh towards people. She's confident in everything she does and can get competative at times. Although shes not very good at keeping jobs, she always tries her best in dance and other activities that isnt working. She seems very uncaring of the things that go around her but in reality shes trying to get through it without affecting her. She tries to keep her smile alive at all times. 



Bijou Adeline was born in France but moved to America with her parents at the age of 10. Due to the fact that Bijou didn’t have many friends, she spent most of her time after school watching American TV shows to learn the language and learn about the country.  She soon comes across many dancing shows and becomes enthralled with all the different kinds of dances that there are and takes interest in dance.  Bijou aspired to become a dancer just as the ones she saw on TV and to one day dance on a fancy stage with a bunch of lights, but because her parents didn’t really care for her interest in becoming a dancer, nor could they see how that could get her anywhere in her future, she could not take dance classes.  Although, during Bijou’s travels from school to home, she took notice of street dancers and began to learn from watching them perform.  After watching and learning from the after school street dancers, Bijou starts to see the fun everyone was having and really wanted to be a part of a community so free but still competitive and diligent.

As Bijou finishes school, she decides to live on her own to focus on her dance career and to prove to her parents that she can get somewhere with all her hard work she put into learning dance. Bijou now works at many different stores to keep up her shopping hobby and dancing career, but because she's always on her phone checking for good deals, playing phone games or updating her social media, she constantly has to change jobs.  Despite the fact that Bijou was never good at making friends because of her head-strong personality and careless attitude towards things that don’t spark her interest, she’s seemed to find herself pretty in a cool dance team to practice with, where she makes sure she gives it her all. Though Bijou’s taken more of an interest in street dancing, she still dreams of dancing on a fancy stage with many lights focused on her and cool outfits.  
