Basic Info







Human Age Equivlent




Relationship Status

Mated to Stephanie

Physical Status

Good Health








Chloe is a female arpine from Krathal. Chloe comes from a troubled background and spent her early childhood isolated which eventually led her to seizing any opportunity she could get to get away from home and travel the galaxy. This led to her spending her late adolescence attending a boarding academy on the planet of Orget and then enlisting in the Aeronian Union Marine Corps as an adult. Chloe spent a good 25 years in the military where she would become a highly-regarded sniper, she is also a veteran of the Third Gronican War during which she had a relationship with her first boyfriend (now deceased) and gave birth to Neil Vortex

Chloe has seen many of the galaxy's captivating wonders as well as the horrors it's denizens are capable of, she's gained and lost people close to her, she's commited both heroic and dark acts, but in the end she regrets nothing. She'll gladly tell you about and gloat about her experiences (typically when high, drunk, or just feeling extra perky or ecstatic), all except for one. 

Chloe is also noted for her overwhelming sense of justice, the pleasure she takes in "the hunt", and her incredibly dark and morbid sense of humor. She is also noted for being very compassionate, and protective, to those closest to her. She also takes great pride and passion in not only herself but who she surrounds herself with, wanting to see the best out of herself and those close to her.

As far as arpines go Chloe is definitely more introverted than most, she chooses to stick close to her small group of friends and family and doesn't like drawing attention to herself in public and typically avoids busy places (but again, she'll open up more socially when she's drunk or high or just feeling extra perky that day). She likes exploring and visiting various places that are dominated by wilderness and she is also an expert solo hunter, feeling at home in any forest or hillscape, or even visiting exotic frontiers among the stars. 

Chloe is currently retired from the marines with a very good retirement package where she won't have to work another day in her life. She lives with her wife in a comfortable home with a large property just outside of Krathal's capital city bordering the woodlands of the Northern Eastonin region. However, her family often suspects she's been living a double life in recent years as she'll often be gone for long stretches of time for mysterious reasons, although no one has decided to confront her on it yet.