LyteBryte / 🔒's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

infinitytrain Global Rules

When selling, trading, or gifting my designs to other users, you may:

  • Include the price of commissions, personal art, or art received in a trade within your listing price, alongside what you had originally paid for. If you received the character in a trade, please use the character you traded away as a baseline for the value.
  • Gift characters to other users even if they have attached value. Please note if you gift or have been gifted one of my designs, the value will reset to $0.00 until/unless other art of value is added. (commissions, personal art, or art received in a trade.)

When selling, trading, or gifting my designs to other users, you may NOT:

  • Include the price of raffle prizes, gift art, or fan art within your listing price.
  • Resell or trade away a character received as a gift without having added any art of value. (commissions, personal art, or art received in a trade.)
  • Sell, trade to, or gift to users who do not use unless you plan on managing the character's profile for them. (ex. if they are a close friend and are willing to update you if they would like to sell, trade, or gift away the character to a user.)
  • Sell, trade, or gift away redesigns or previous designs of the character.

Misc. Terms
  • If you are redesigning a design made by me, make your best effort to not make the design unrecognizable. It should not look like a completely different character. It should still register to other people that it is the same character at first glance. Please only make minor changes and keep the same ideas, themes, and colors in mind. 
  • Do not instill any "trade-back" rules on my designs (even if you have redesigned them)
  • You may credit yourself as a designer if you redesign one of my designs, but I must remain the "creator" (in the ownership tab) and you are not allowed to overrule my TOS.

Do not give any of my designs to the people under this. If you are found to be purposefully obtaining designs in order to give to these people, you will be blacklisted as well. 

Have any questions? Feel free to message me at infinitytrain. My inbox is always open.