Chiyoko Murasaki



3 months, 8 days ago


Name: Chiyoko Murasaki

Age: 14 years

Species: Akita Inu

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Pack: Arelang

Rank: Skepja - Artist

Totem: Elk

Power: Water

(1) Water Control & Manipulation - Chiyoko can manipulate water for various tasks. This can in theory be used offensively, but it is unlikely given her lack of other/non-magical combat abilities.

(2) Water Form - Chiyoko can meld parts of or her entire body with water. The longer this state is maintained the more likely it is to require a strike. There is also inherent danger in this considering the volatility of water.

Notable relations: 

Yamatsu - Son - 4 Years Old
Natsu - Daughter - 5 Years Old

She is the ex-wife of Yuusei

Personality: Having escaped the yoke of forced marriage, Chiyoko is a self-made and independent woman. She carries herself with confident elegance, exuding grace and a sense of gentleness. On the surface Chiyoko is incredibly likable, even admirable in her entrepreneurship and artistic vision. She treats others with as much kindness and courtesy as is necessary, but keeps all but a select few at more than an arms length.

The crucible of her past has forged an unshakable resilience and protective instinct. It has likewise caused her to be rather guarded when it comes to those outside of her inner circle. Her insular nature is not unfounded given the cruelty she has endured. Chiyoko is guarded and suspicious of the motives of others unless their loyalty or honesty has been proven. A true survivor, she is adaptive and cunning, allowing her to endure what she must until the opportunity arises for her to gain advantage.

Chiyoko can be a prideful woman, her hot temper bubbling over if her freedom is at risk, or her artistic capabilities are under unjust scrutiny. She also has little patience for anyone that she deems lazy or unmotivated, or those that would cross her boundaries. Externally, Chiyoko is incredibly confident in her work and her judgement, never appearing as if she desires external validation. Likewise, her staunch independence masks a deeply rooted fear of unrequited love despite a desire for real romantic and intimate connection.

History (major relevant points):

 - Arranged marriage to Yuusei when they were young, it was not great. There might have been some love at first but the two really weren't compatible. They had a child, but it died leading to a complete breakdown of their relationship. After a few stale years their marriage was annulled.

 - Her parents marry her off again because she's "still young enough to be useful". Her parents motivation is entirely to better their station through advantageous marriage as their house/clan is of lower tier nobility.

 - She plays the obedient and subservient wife for a time, having a few children. Eventually this lord and his lands are conquered by a neighboring/rival clan in the classic feudal sense. Rather than die at the side of a man she has never loved, she escapes with her children.

- Using her skills in dance and theater, Chiyoko gathers up a few wayward kindred spirits, and founds a theater company. For years they travel from place to place performing for food and shelter. It is a good, free life that affords Chiyoko and those in her chosen family a lot of room for creativity.

- As she gets older she desires stability and a quieter life both for herself and her son, Yatsu. She hands the mantle of her troupe to another and sets out in to the wider world looking for a place to settle. Whatever forces there are in the universe, they have brought Chiyoko to Myrkur.