


15 days, 12 hours ago


the Ignis created from Katsuko Chikafuji's data. like Shimmer, Cloud was not assigned a particular attribute and borrows traits from multiple Ignis

Name: Cloud

Gender/Sex: ambiguous, but male-leaning (though technically none, as he's an AI)

Personality: Cloud is a quiet and mostly apathetic Ignis, much preferring to keep to himself rather than interact with others. He doesn't have much motivation or drive to participate in most things, including the war against humans. Instead, he just wants to be left alone. For the most part, Cloud isn't malicious, nor does he hold much ill-will towards humans, but begrudgingly participates in the war because he has been tricked into believing that it's necessary. This was largely made possible because of how much Cloud cares about and trusts the other Ignis, notably Ai, who had told him that the war was necessary. For a time, Cloud begins to hate humans for supposedly deleting Ai, but these feelings disappear after he encounters Ai once again. Cloud does wonder why the war with humans is necessary, but mostly just wants it to end.

Story: again it's a wip like the whole au

Like the other Ignis, Cloud was created during the Lost Incident/Hanoi Project. Although he didn't like watching Katsuko suffer during the incident, there was little he could do to help, and was somewhat relieved when the incident ended. While living in the Cyberse, Cloud mostly stuck to himself, preferring not to interact with others more than he had to. Still, several of the Ignis went out to talk to and interact with Cloud, the most notable of which being Ai (who used "building camaraderie with the loner" as an excuse to get out of doing actual work). Despite initially finding this to be a nuisance, after a while, Cloud did begin to genuinely consider Ai and a few others his friends and began starting to look forward to when they would talk to him. It was this fact that worked against him when some of the Ignis brought up declaring war on humanity, trusting his friends to have made the right choice, following them because they had stated it was necessary (in reality, most of them were already under Lightning's control at this point).

Although he joined the others in declaring war on humanity (albeit tricked and under Lightning's control), he still didn't have any large desire to fight against the humans. Instead, Cloud only participated in the war so that it would end. During this time, Cloud worked most commonly with Ai, who, despite being under Lightning's control, frequently prompted Cloud to think about why they were actually fighting the humans. After all, while Lightning had said it was necessary, they had never been shown any proof. Cloud typically just listened to what Ai was saying and didn't offer much in return. However, it all stuck with him when Ai one day disappeared without a trace. As the only reasonable explanation was that it had been the humans' fault, this is what Cloud believed. Humans had taken away his closest friend, one who had even wanted not to fight them. This incident, much to Lightning's delight, gave Cloud more motivation to actively participate in the war.

At least, that's how it was until Cloud encountered Ai by chance, seeing that Ai hadn't been deleted, and was instead working with the humans. It was difficult for Cloud to comprehend, especially given the assumption he had been working under the whole time. Still, as it was a lot to take in and he was still under Lightning's control, Cloud did not switch sides at first. Only after finally receiving an invitation from his origin, Katsuko, who reached out to him despite everything, did he finally break free of Lightning's control and begin working with the humans to stop the war.

Romantic Partner: --

Family: Katsuko (origin)

Friends: Aqua, Flame, Ai, Katsuko (later)

Allies: Ignis (formerly), Latency (later), Knights of Hanoi (later, conditionally)

Enemies: Knights of Hanoi (formerly, somewhat), Latency (mostly, formerly)

Rivals: --


-Created from Katsuko’s data during the Lost Incident

-Quiet and fairly unexpressive, though gets flashes of intense emotion from time to time

-Mind-controlled by Lightning into aiding him, though Cloud doesn’t want to help very much. He's been tricked into believing that the war with humans is necessary and participants only so that it will end sooner

-Still, Cloud has to remorsefully accept the role he’ll have in the war

-Wants to have faith in the others (even Lightning, Windy, and Shimmer), which is why he didn’t speak up against Shimmer

-Likely ultimately manipulated into self-destructing to take out Rainscripter

-Mostly just wants to be left alone

-Friends with Ai even before the war began, it was Ai that continually prompted Cloud to wonder why exactly they were fighting the humans. When Cloud realizes that Ai has switched sides, Cloud hesitates, but due to being under Lightning’s control, Cloud remains on the Ignis’s side for a while longer before ultimately being freed by Katsuko

Design notes:

-The Ignis Cloud is his original form, the human Cloud is the appearance he takes on around most people

-The yellow things in his hair are still part of his hair

-Not wearing gloves

-The cloud pin on his shirt collar is not the same color as his eyes

-Eyes turn red when he's being controlled by Lightning to a large extent