Archangel of Judgement



15 days, 21 hours ago


The Archangel of Judgement, simply known as "Judgement", Real name Phanuel. 6'0. Age, gender, and sexuality undefined. (he/no pronouns)

Voice Claim (Gabriel - Gianni Matragrano)

A lower ranking angel hailing from above the clouds. The higher angels do not have enough time to waste watching over God's humanity, making the angels which hold less power do said job for them. Judgement was ordered to set over repentance, expelling anyone he himself deems as 'sinners'. He has a massive superiority complex. The power he holds below the clouds fuels this, causing him to eagerly watch over humanity, punishing everyone he considers 'wrong'. The existence of Fitten co. and the PRPL 'boss' team intrigues him. Most of the members in said team can give him a good beating, though he keeps a lot of the worse ones alive so he has more opportunity to beat them down sadistically - to his superiors' disdain. 

His movement is very erratic and unpredictable, though he is bulky, he doesn't have a large health pool. Due to this, he opts to outmaneuver his enemies through short-distance teleportation along with flight. He fights with sword(s), those of which have blades made entirely of energy. This causes his enemies to slow down after getting electrocuted. He can summon lightning but only as a last resort. He is NOT immortal, but he will not die of old age.

Useless Information... He smells like nothing. He cant taste anything and associates food with their temperature and texture, though he doesn't require any food at all. He has absolutely no organs except for his skin. He is not organic except for his wings. The time it takes for him to recover and get back on his feet is very long. He needs to preen, and he enjoys brushing his wings and keeping his appearance up.