


5 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Full name:

Arosine Chardonnay






Job hunting




Pronounced (Air O' Seen) but spelled Arosine!

Goes by many names and styles but Arosine's just fine!

The Basic Story
Growing up Arosine was both a bit of a jerk and a loner, chances are if you had went to school with him you'd either have unpleasant memories of him or none at all. After finishing high school he took a trip and came back a changed man. A little less miserable and more focused on his interests especially toward music, fashion and partying. Of course it isn't easy to completely rid yourself of long held traits so he's been really trying to improve himself and his first move was to apologize to those who might've been hurt by him in the past. The first person he talked to ended up being Iggy who at first assumed it was a weird joke and laughed but then became immediately embarrassed when he was being genuine. Intrigued by Arosine's weird self help journey he decides to become friends with him because Iggy enjoys a nice show. 
Personality -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Arosine's a very passionate person especially about the people and things he loves, sometimes aggressively so. Although he's trying to improve himself he's still kept a bit of his sarcastic and rude side and will let it show when he's particularly annoyed. However when it's nice and peaceful he's like the chillest dude you'll ever meet. When at parties he transforms fully into a party animal and lets himself feel free, whatever flaws he may have he sure does hide them with his newfound confidence. Arosine will make sure he'll never feel weak again. 
To be written! 
Fun Facts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Teb12463d83c25a7b300d38ee02a5a4fc858bc2e8hese are not the colors Arosine was born with
- He has a few tattoos
- He has a small blog where he reviews music (and occasionally food) 
- Yep he's bisexual.