Violetta's Comments

Hi! I saw what you put on discord and was wondering if they where wta too? If not that'd find I'm willing to show trades or something but i just wanted to ask as there very pretty!

Yes, everything in this folder is WTA. Id love to trade/sell them, but im bad at it, so they double as wta cuz id rather give em away to ppl wholl use em.

ah okay! for a name it may be Jewel, Queeny, or maybe violetta, (im not good with names,, so it may change or coming up with stuff for characters on the spot so bare with me oml) im not to sure what all you would like for me to write- but what i would use her for is i feel she would be good to fill a best friends roll with a couple of characters, i have a lot i feel she would get along with with her prissy sense of style and personality, cause she might turn out to be actually a little anxious when someone gets to know her, or maybe the opposite idk yet, which would fit well with a couple of my characters who are the same either way. it would be like... a small circle of anxious sad beans who are all best buds. i feel like she might also like to make clothes/ jewelry so that would be fun to mess around with in drawing clothes she would design and all.

if this doesnt interest you i can show you the characters i have for trade then

im willing to offer art to if not ??

im willing to offer art to if not ??

OH sorry i thought i already sent them fjdshfkdsf i guess my connection died while i was trying

trying again, should b sent!

ah tysm,, i got it now!!

ah tysm,, i got it now!!