Lt. Jonah Mercer



8 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Fan Character from...

Star Trek


Jonah Mercer






6ft 2in / 1.88m




Starfleet Lieutenant, Night Shift Tactical Officer



2370's on the space station Deep Space Nine  (and I like to throw my trek nerds into other random times because they are fan characters and I can do what I want!)


Very much the strong silent type. Generally seems grumpy and unapproachable.  Enjoys solitude, and in fact volunteered for the night shift. Doesn't trust easily, and is cautious about who he makes friends with. He's not entirely sure why Tango enjoys his company so much. Has quite the firey temper if his buttons are pushed, though has worked hard over the years to keep it under control, and generally stays pretty level headed. Not very good at forgiving and forgetting. Actually does have a sense of humor, albeit very dry.

{Job and Hobbies}

His main job as the night shift Tactical Officer is keeping everyone working efficiently throughout the space station, but he's also frequently volunteered for away mission security.

Most of his free time is taken up with working out, combatives training, phaser marksmanship, or something along those lines. He's not the best at relaxing. Though since being stationed on DS9 he's developed an interest in playing pool.

{Fun Facts about Jonah}

  • He doesnt actually know anything about being a Romulan.... he was found abandoned on a transport ship as a baby and raised on a Federation starship by his adoptive human parents who are both medical officers. He's actually pretty ok with this and probably considers himself to be more human than anything else.
  •  He has spent most of his life in space, and being on planet makes him uncomfortable and even more grumpy than usual.
  •  He would really like it if people would quit mistaking him for a Vulcan.
  • Is a pretty decent pilot.
  • Has taken on the responsibility of trying to keep Tango out of trouble.
  • While he wasn't too sure about her in the beginning, he's grown to enjoy having Tango around.