Subject #1021



18 days, 18 hours ago



FULL NAME: Project:Zetta
AGE: 22
HEIGHT: 5'9'/178 cm
WEIGHT: 117 lbs


Project:Zetta, officially titled as “Subject #1021” is a Solosis-turned-human lab experiment created by Dr. Laurier. Made specifically for Team Xen, he was injected with both rift matter and the DNA of a young girl named Melia. Initially made to replicate Melia’s hidden powers, the experiment turned out to be a failure – and by a miracle, #1021 was allowed to live rather than be discarded immediately. This miracle was double-edged, however; because since then, he’s instead been kept around for painful experiments and trials until he’s “perfected” as a scientific weapon. He doesn't remember any of his life prior to taking on a human form.

His origins and constant mistreatment have led him to form into a very timid and reclusive person who lacks a clear sense of identity, making it exceedingly difficult for him to speak with others. He cries both often and easily; yet when provoked, he can be extremely volatile and unpredictable as a means of defending himself. Despite his unfortunate circumstances being trapped far down in the labs of Team Xen’s headquarters, #1021 is still extremely stubborn. He has an ongoing habit of attempting to escape his sector, having been temporarily successful only a few times before getting dragged right back to where those claim that he belongs. High intelligence is noted in most regards, but his ability to socially interact with others is very lacking and his words sometimes sound incoherent. Some have also described him as naive.



> DRL: Good morning, Subject.

> #1021: . . .

> DRL: Do you know who you are?

> #1021: N– No…

> DRL: Well, don’t worry. In time, you will. You’re going to be something revolutionary – you’ll be the very thing to change the course of Team Xen.

> #1021: Who… are you? What are you… going to do to me–?

> DRL: Right, yes – of course. Introductions; you may call me Dr. Laurier. We’re enthused to have you on the team, Zetta.


> DRL: You have no need to fret. As I said, you’ll be very useful.

> #1021: But… really scared… a– and I want to go home…

> DRL: I see. What is your idea of “home”?

> #1021: D– Don’t know…

> DRL: Precisely. Because your only home is right here.

> #1021: But… home is supposed t– to be– somewhere less scary,

> DRL: I understand you’re confused. However, you’ve had not a single home before this. This is right where you belong.

> #1021: . . .

> DRL: I’ll allow you some time to settle in.

> #1021: Never answered other question… what are you… going to do to me? E– Everything hurts– and cold in here, what are you–

> DRL: All I am here to accomplish is improvement. You’ll feel better in no time, as soon as the testing begins in a few hours.

> #1021: What testing–?!

> DRL: Rest up, until then. A lot of work must be done.

> #1021: Why aren’t you… answering me– wait! WAIT, PLEASE COME BACK—!



Dr. LaurierFears

Out of all of the scientists, Laurier is by far the one he is the most afraid of. He’s learned to pick up on the exact sound that his shoes make when he’s walking to his sector, learned how to break free from his grip and run away and hide until he’s dragged out for experimentation. But in spite of his weakly attempted rebellious streaks, nothing changes; he always learns how to give up in the end – just like he’s learned everything about the world itself from him. Every now and then, he wishes that he saw him as more than a lab rat that he could push to its limits. Or maybe he’s just upset with the fact that he has no parental figures in sight.


While Oliver might think he’s being subtle about his personal interest in #1021, he’s managed to pick up on it rather quickly – setting off alarms in his head, a sense of disgust towards him. Overtime, he’s tried to push him to a point of possible escape; learned to play into some of his lovey-dovey fantasies in hopes that he’d give in and free him from the labs. It makes him uncomfortable. He makes him uncomfortable. But he’s desperate for escape.


Every time he sees Aspen, he’s quick to try to get her attention – but much to his dismay, she never seems to respond. Even when she directly looks him in the eye, she still chooses to run off elsewhere. It saddens and angers him all at the same time, but he still can’t let go of her out of terror. He has to hold onto hope somehow.


He rarely speaks a word whenever they’re around, which only leads them to force his naturally volatile nature out of him. He’s the most combative and unpredictable around Acarine due to his physical safety repeatedly being threatened by them, always going on the defense during their tests. On slightly better days, he’ll try to repeat and mimic whatever they say in Russian out of curiosity – but this annoys them more often than not.



- mathematics
- learning new things
- sweet foods


- loud noises
- medical equipment
- cold temperatures


- Lots of bandages from constant injuries during experiments; he's expected to heal quickly. Usually, he does due to his developing regenerative skills.

- The black line markings on the red bracelet on his arm are scannable, and used on the off-chance that the scientsts need to track him down.

- Due to being a Solosis, he retains a few traits of one. He does have psychic abilities, but they're very unpredictable and only come out in sudden and unexpected "outbursts" of energy.

- Bleeds primarily green with a mix of purple because of the rift matter as well as his human form still gradually developing.

- He can melt/deform under extreme physical stress.