₀₃ Airin



8 years, 4 months ago



"The world is your oyster!"
♦ Adventurous and Free
♦ Full of Passion and Fiery
♦ Good sense of Judgement and Understanding
♦ Friendly, Peaceful and Easy to talk to
♦ Naive and Clueless at times
♦ Quick to rush into things; Hotheaded
♦ Indecisive and easily influenced
♦ Stubborn, distrustful and holds grudges for a long time.
Sweets, candies
Anything cute
Travelling and Photography
✖ Violence
✖ Choosing sides and making decisions
✖ Isolation
✖ Betrayal
✖ Being kept in a place continuously or for a long time

At the young age of 7, Airin was thrown off Heaven due to his parents' misdoings. While this seemed like a sad thing, somehow, he had been allowed to keep his wings, which allowed him to land safely. From that moment on, he swore that he could survive without returning to Heaven and decided to continue life on Earth. While one would wonder how a seven year old was able to survive, being an Angel, he already had knowledge of the Earth and knew about the things that they did down here. As well as this, as much as he denied it, the Angels from Heaven would help him survive and found people to look after him. He didn't find the joy in his life until he reached the year of 13. The thirteen year old Airin was strolling down the road one day when he spotted a strange contraption that someone was holding. Curious of what it was, he approached the lady holding the piece of technology. After a few minutes, she had already explained everything to the boy, but what was most strange, was the fact that she then gave him the camera and asked him to take a picture. Being the distrustful person he was, he asked her why she would let him do that.The lady only gave him a look and put the camera in his hands. Looking around, he set himself in place before snapping a picture of a nearby park. Airin handed back the camera, slightly confused. She gave a glance at the picture and told him that he had a talent for photography, before walking away. Stunned into silence for a few moments, he then realised what she had said. He tried to chase after her, but there was no use. He remembered going home and looking up what photography was. From that moment on, he fell in love with photography.

He pursued photography with a passion, with people in his life always telling him how great he was at it. So 2-3 years after he first met the lady, he began a blog for his photography. Around this time, he also started travelling around the world, disliking the fact of being cooped up in a single city, a single country.

Airin currently lives a content life on Earth. He normally travels around, never staying in one place too long.

*Info written by Shy-Chivalry

  !   If you wish to draw him with shoes on, he is wearing tan flats.
  !   Bunny is companion is named Royale. He is optional to draw