

13 days, 11 hours ago


Herleifr was sent out on a journey by his father to hunt down his older brother, Vidar Bǫlverkr Skógr, an exile from their birth pride when he ran away from his death at the mere age of a year old. As Vidar was born entirely black with a white spot on his chest, he escaped the death that was meant to come to him at birth as the pack believed that all solid black wolves were a chaotic omen of evil. However, as he got older, Vidar lost the spot and was then to be killed by his pack mates to prevent the omen. Only for him to escape thanks to the help of his mother. However, his littermate and brother, Eileifr, caught up to him and found him and was meant to kill him right then and there. The two fought and with Vidar suffering from Gigantism, a mutation that made him almost twice his brother's size, outpowered him and killed him. He escaped but was never to return or else, he'd be murdered.

What Vidar didn't know was that his parents had one more litter, made up of one pup. Containing Herleifr, named after his late brother Eileifr, and meant to finish what his brother started. His two older sisters and Vidar's other littermates, doted on him constantly from the day he was born, and only really referred to him by his middle name 'Ari' as the other name was too painful to really name him by. They also believed that Herleifr was to be his own individual, not meant to fill in their late brother's paw prints.

Now that Herleifr has come of age, he has gone on a journey to find his older brother and finish what his deceased brother started.