Odeta Vel - Afterlife OM



15 days, 2 hours ago



Name: Odeta Vel

Age at death: 16

Mental age: 16

Gender: She/Her

Sexuality: AroAce

Height: 5’11

Weight: 210

Birthday: August 25

Death date: June 9th, 2024

Type of death: Died in battle to Walpurgisnaught










+Buying things for others: Odeta loves spending money but it’s hard finding things she wants for herself. But buying things for other people is just sooooo much easier and they’re always so grateful and yadda yadda. Why have money if you can’t spend it?

+Swimming: Beach or private pool, Odeta loves to swim. Fish are pretty to look at and to observe, plus she’s pretty good at holding her breath for a long time.


-Mud: The only mud she lets touch her is the really nice mud masks she gets shipped monthly. In fact why stop at mud? She also hates dirt, grease, grime, stains, oil, dust, sweat-

-Heights: Genuinely makes her nauseous being off the ground high up. It’s one thing if she’s in a building and can’t really see the ground below her but being close to windows makes her aware of being high up.


There wasn’t much in the early bit of Odeta’s life, or much that she really remembered enough of. If she thought hard enough, she could think of some vague memories of being cared for by her mom but she couldn’t ever fully picture her face in the memories but it didn’t matter. Odeta was old enough to take care of herself now anyway around her estate and she didn’t need her mom to watch her or to bother her dad’s busy enough schedule. Plus, she had made a special new friend. Desire Duval.

Odeta spent a lot of time with Desire, accompanying her to hunt for witches around the island. In an odd way it was fun, certainly not most people’s idea of an activity, but spending the day searching around and hanging out is what actually lends itself to being enjoyable. When they did find one, Odeta would wait outside of the labyrinth for Desire as the magi would go in to take care of the witch. Odeta had tried to enter with her a few times but was told she couldn’t go in since she wasn’t a magi so she had to stay outside. It was hard to, curiosity digging deep inside of her trying to get her to go in, take a peek, but Odeta would ignore it and listen and wait.

With how big their island was, it made it hard for the two to cover the ground fast enough to find the witches even when Desire used her gem. It wasn’t accurate to use a hot or cold system and sometimes it led them to a dead end or too weak witch. Odeta could tell it was frustrating Desire who wanted to just get it over with so the two could move onto hanging out in a more relaxed way. Odeta did try to reassure her friend that this was enough for her and that didn’t care, but no matter how much Desire’s stress eased with the words…it never fully went away.

After a few more months of searching and building frustration from Desire and a fight that led to the two not speaking for a few days, Odeta had a solution, one that she couldn’t believe she hadn’t thought of before. She could fix their problems with one single wish, all she needed was Lank. She remembered once around when she first met Desire and Lank, to never make a wish with him or anything else like him because creatures like him could twist your words around your wish to give you something you weren't even asking for. But Odeta knew what she wanted, and how to get it as she look Lank into the eyes and asked.  Pleased with herself, Odeta set out to immediately find her friend, pulling up her map to search for Desire on the island. It showed her own dot at the center as she searched the area around her, moving her hand around the screen to find the other dot that should belong to her friend. Odeta was having trouble finding it however, nowhere on her map was it showing her friend's location. Angry, Odeta looked back to Lank, “Why isn’t it working? Why can’t I see her, I wished to have a GPS, Where is Desire?” She demanded, Lank staring back at her with the same expression. “Your friend is dead, Odeta Vel.” Lank responded like it was obvious to her. “What? She can’t be gone! She’s the only magi here!” Odeta changed her search on her map to magi, her own dot sitting center as she zoomed out. Lank shook his head, “You are the only magi for this island now, Odeta Vel” Odeta stared at her screen, zoomed out on the whole map of her island as only her dot pulsed on the screen. Desire was dead and Odeta was alone. She had to do it.

… …. ….. …    ….

She couldn’t do thisshecouldn’tdothisshecouldn’tdothisalone. Panicked, Odeta sat shaking on the bathroom floor screen in hand as she looked around feverishly on it. She couldn’t handle these witches alone, she needed Desire. Desire was gone though, there was no help for her here. Lank already told her it was sparse enough for people here to make wishes and there was no guarantee one would make a wish anytime soon. She’d leave then. She’d find somewhere with plenty of magi, more than enough that she wouldn’t have to do this alone ever again. She could convince her dad to let her leave the country, give him a good enough excuse for him to fund her leave. Zooming all the way out, Odeta looked at the map of the world, dots appearing and disappearing everywhere across the world. Magi being created and dying. An overwhelming amount of information across her screen as she tried to piece together what would be the best place to go, who had the most, who could protect her. Most places had large amounts of magi but they were spread apart from each other when she focused in, she assumed not within the same towns or even just not enough in one town. There one however, a place in Oregon, with so many magi around, some with their little dots huddled up next to each other. There. She’d go be a magi there.

Odeta thought moving to Seaford was one of her best decisions she’s ever made. No one ever went into a labyrinth alone, everyone helped each other during battles and no one ever died. She never worried about witches or getting hurt, she was making some friends too like Chihiro! No stress. It only started whenever Salem told everyone that a strong witch was going to be coming back, that everyone would need to prepare for. It made her rethink a little, that maybe she should leave, other magi seemed to want to leave as well so its not like she was alone in the thought. As the date approached, she tried reasoning a bit more with herself, “it’s not just her that wants to leave, you’re not that strong anyway they won’t benefit from your help, they’re fine with people stepping away” Yeah, she’d just go somewhere else for a bit, wait it out until the coast was clear. But…she’d have to leave her friends, and how fair is it if she ran away when magi helped each other out here?

Odeta remembered clearly, legs shaking as she marched towards the beach no backing out now this was your final decision can’t book a flight out now too late ready to fight against the witch. It had been going well at first, Mouse was strong and was doing the most damage she was pretty sure. Something changed near the end though, a shift in power as the witch seemed to be attacking more aggressively. Maybe it was almost dead? 

Odeta remembers it like this. She was standing on the beach in the eye of the storm as the witch rained hell upon them. She was falling back, eyes on the stormy sky above as the witch’s laughter echoed in her head as she blinked. Then she was somewhere else. No storm, no witch, no battle. Just her and two others that had been fighting alone on the beach.

Odeta realized she was dead and how much she wished she ran away.

School: Seaford High school Grade 10 - exchange student program


-Scar on her lower back from her first witch

-Scar along her face from Walpurgis battle

-Scar across stomach from Walpurgis battle


Wish: “I wish to have like GPS just always at my finger tips! With all the info that comes with!”


Odeta has advantage on navigating terrain and maps

When a character uses multiply she would be able to tell where allies are and who is fake and roll a smaller number

Information can be pulled up on screens to be displayed for herself and others

Primary Class: Fighter (Hand-to-Hand)

Secondary Class: ??


Level: 11

Incubator: Lank



Levitation Wand - A ‘floating’ stick that glows pink, blue, and amber, able to be spun around with her hand to whack, smack, and attack

Hula Hoop - A big glowing hula hoop, can you follow along without getting dizzy?

Rave Whip - Meant for dance, used for damage

Glowstick Bo - Like, a bigger version of the levitation wand. But without the string. So it can't spin around. 



HP: 60

Magic: 0

Defense: 12

Attack: 8

Speed: 8

Special: 4

Stamina: 7


Combo 1d4x1d4 Base Stamina

Knock Around Base 1d8 Attack

Punch Buggy Hand to Hand 1d6 Speed

Simple Seal Base Special 

Armor Base N/A Defense
