


3 months, 8 days ago


Gender: Male

Species: Mink (panda)

Ship occupation: ArchaeologistĀ 

Age: 21

Height: 2"9

Origin: Zou

Devil Fruit: None


Koji is a panda mink who lived on Zou his entire life. Growing up Koji would never play with the other mink children in fact he would always have his nose in a book. This would cause Koji to become a social outcast among the mink children. The other children would start to call him names, push him around, and even steal his books. This was until a snow leopard mink named Bao came in and fought off Koji's bullies. Koji and Bao then fast became best friends. Koji often calls him Li and Bao often calls Koji, Isho. One day Bao and Koji decided to leave Zou and travel on their own. After a month they landed on a island and that's where they met the twin blades crew and captains. They ended up joining the twin blades and Koji became the ships archeologist and discovered his ability to read poneglyphs.


Koji doesn't have any weapons and doesn't fight. He's slow and weak so he often has to be carried by Boa in his woven straw basket. Koji is extremely kind and compassionate. If Koji is not reading a book then he is either eating a snack or by Bao.