Yuko 21001361



5 years, 8 months ago


Yuko is a dragon that knows no magic, and is in fact incapable of it. However, since she was born, she has been able to see ghosts and spirits. Some of them she can even talk to. While they always seem to understand her, though, Yuko herself can't always understand what the spirits say back. She seems to enjoy their company nonetheless, and takes every opportunity to share that company with those around her.

Most dragons, however, can't communicate with spirits as Yuko does, which she was soon to discover. Kaleidoscope dragons are used to those born different and were happy to give her passing encouragement. This was a vast improvement over the rejection Yuko faced from her old home, but she still felt somewhat dismissed and ignored, like a parent or babysitter playing along with a child's imaginary game. Of course, Yuko understood WHY they would act that way - it was hard for dragons to believe what they did couldn't see or hear! But Yuko was still lonely.

She consulted Rosie about this, and for her next birthday Rosie wove a garment that would allow others nearby to see spirits as Yuko could. Ecstatic, Yuko was eager to introduce the rest of the clan to her ghostly friends. Wren and Apera in particular were especially glad to meet them, and soon the three of them started spending lots of time together as newfound friends. The owners of the Three Mirrors, Eggshell, Wes, Ink, and Sebastian also showed great interest, and also grew closer to Yuko as a result.

Others in the clan, however, were less than fascinated. Still others reacted with intense fearfulness, and outright avoided Yuko after that. Marzipan reassured Yuko that their superstitions would pass; it was the ghosts that had scared them, not Yuko herself. Soon they would learn that the spirits and wisps that were friends with Yuko could be just as cheerful as she was... in their own spooky way, anyway. True family always comes around.