


5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Fitzwilliam Trystan 'Darcy' Harker


Asteraoth " The Angel Who Thwarts Power "


( Sadodere Troll who enjoys tormenting his subordinates to hide the fact that he would actually die for them. )

- He's known as the ruthless and sadistic captain of a squad of slayers renowned for their efficiency, yet is rarely seen on any physical battlefield. Asteraoth's greatest strength is in his intellect; uncannily perceptive, cunning, and manipulative, he prefers a duel of words over blades yet nonetheless leaves his opponents bloodied. A problem-solver, he loves a good challenge and excuse to exercise his mental acuity, though dissecting humans is by far his favorite pastime. Asteraoth likes to take people apart to figure out how they work- to learn from them and find ways to improve himself. Asteraoth actively distances himself from others with lies, sarcasm, teasing, hollow flirting- All in an attempt to protect himself from the truth. He's too much of a good person to be doing what he's doing, yet simultaneously doesn't believe this to actually be the case. He can be self-sacrificing and a touch too earnest in his emotions, doing all he can for the sake of others without ever letting them know just how much. Aster knows that once he allows himself to care, he won't be able to stop himself, and he has far too much to lose. -

- ( "Ugh I'm having feelings again. Like some kind of 14 year old kid. You remember feelings, right?"
"Darcy...I have feelings every single day of my life."
"...Disgusting." ) -

  1. Known professionally as Asteraoth and personally- to a select few- as (Mr) Darcy. He prefers his alias.

  2. Said to descend from Wilhelmina Harker and consequently shares her vampiric inheritance. Though the blood has been diluted over the centuries, it's still potent in terms of scale and strength of the powers given by Dracula himself. Wilhelmina kept her maiden name even after marriage and it has since become a tradition in his family.
  3. 'Captain' of a Squad only when he takes to the field, his true rank is much higher up and rarely sees him leaving Base.

  4. Using a whip as a primary weapon was initially a joke inspired by the Castlevania series but Aster has stubbornly made it a reality. It may not be the sole weapon in his arsenal but it is the most memorable.

  5. Though he acts as if it's a chore, Asteraoth naturally fits into the leadership role when the situation calls for it. When he does, however, his persona becomes sadistic and demanding. The change is a far cry from his usual lighthearted and mischievous nature.

  6. Vampire slaying is, naturally, what his family is known for but they don't mind branching out. They're based in Britain but are equally present in Romania. As such Asteraoth has a British accent & upbringing but is proficient in Romanian as well as many other languages.

  7. He's one of if not the oldest hunter in the group- vampire blood means he ages much slower than the average human. Though he tries not to, Aster often reveals his age in how slow he is to pick up new social conventions and technologies. He classes everything from text speak to touchscreens under the label of 'Witchcraft'.

  8. A total Horse Girl, he owns many horses and dearly loves all of them. They tend to accompany him on hunts far more often than is perhaps reasonable, but make up for it by being specially trained; Fluttershy once aided him in killing a werewolf.

  9. Can see his reflection in mirrors but not water or silver.