


3 months, 12 days ago


NAME: Sett Yu Hou Species: Celestial Jade Monkey Age: 800+ yrs (looks 27) GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Demisexual HEIGHT: 6'' 3 (190cm) Family: ZhuNi (Zhu) YuHou (Adoptive mother) Daiyu YuHou (Uncle) Kai YuHou (Fraternal Older Sibling) Husband: Kuaan (friends God OC) Boyfriends: Yue and Kemori (friends Ocs) Has many kids Favorite foods: Mangos, Konpeitō candies, any sweets in general Style: Punk/gothic with splashes of color. likes mens clothes but will lean to the more feminine attire Personality: Confident /Sassy/Flirty/Sweet/Caring/Loyal/ BIG TSUNDERE! Sett is a Celestial Jade Monkey Crafted From jade and given life to be a Guardian, Jade monkeys have qualities of Guardian lion dog's/Fu dog's/Komainu's, what ever you wish to call them, he leans more in the Komainu type of guardian with more canine aspects of him. Guardians are crafted to be in pairs, It can be siblings, friends or lovers and always will have a pair. Sett was crafted out of rainbow jade, a rare type of jade that is extremely hard to create and even more hard to carve from, so he has some permanent scars on his body from the day he was given life etched into his statue. Kai his pair sibling, was crafted before him, given life and disappeared mysteriously so Sett had undergo special training at a extremely young age as a pup due to not having his pair. He felt for many years detachment and abandonment from being the only pup in the large group of young guardians to not have someone by his side to help him like many others, and though males tend to be less aggressive then females it left him in a stage where he had to act more aggressive/intimidating as he got older from the training, giving him a Flirty, confident personally when under all of it is a shy scared and tsundere baby that wished he has that comfort in his younger years of life in the celestial realm After an incident at a tea party that was made for him, he let his anger get ahold of him, as a result his punishment was to guard a god to understand the meaning of parties and to respect how much goes though them. Overtime he gained feelings or the god but kept it under wraps since he was his boss in a way, he never knew the god fell for him as well. after a while he laid his heart out to the god and became something special together and requested his guarding position to be permanent to forever stay his lovers guardian to heaven and back If you have any questions about him feel free to ask