Stanley Bucks



10 days, 8 hours ago


Created on ‎12. ‎Mai ‎2024, for my game. Made him a full fledged character

he is an adventurous guy, dad like who can be a handful as he does his own things. not wuite in allognment of the spacecrew as he would rather help others than not follow the call. a great pilot and had many encounters (resulting in arm loss and eye) saving others is his calling. has his own spaceship and carries his past on himself. a western cowboy accent and charming

Stanley T. Bucks (Space Captain bun)
A Felihu Bunny character who accomplished more than a soft smile.

Name: Captain Thorne Blackbun (a.k.a Stanley Bucks)
Age: 45
Occupation: Freelance Space Captain, Pilot Extraordinaire



  • Features: Handsome and distinguished, with a well-trimmed beard gracing his angular jawline
  • Skin (and fur): Dark and weathered from years of space travel, with a rugged charm that hints at his adventurous spirit
  • Hair: variation on short or long
  • Ears and Tail: Unmistakably rabbit/ Bunny-like, with sleek black fur that matches his unconventional hairstyle
  • Eyes: Piercing blue, sparkling with intelligence and wit



  • Captain's Jacket: A stylish yet functional jacket adorned with various patches and insignias, showcasing his accomplishments and affiliations
  • Utility Belt: Equipped with an array of gadgets and tools essential for space travel and piloting
  • Boots: Sturdy and well-worn, suitable for traversing any terrain, from alien planets to bustling spaceports
  • Signature Scarf: A colorful scarf that adds a pop of personality to his ensemble, fluttering in the cosmic winds as he navigates the stars



  • Adventurous: Captain Thorne thrives on the thrill of discovery and the excitement of charting new courses through uncharted territories.
  • Charismatic: With a natural charm and charisma, he easily wins over allies and strikes deals with clients, making him a sought-after captain in the spacefaring community.
  • Resourceful: Quick thinking and adaptable, he can navigate out of even the trickiest of situations, relying on his wit and ingenuity to overcome obstacles.
  • Independent: Preferring the freedom of freelance work over the constraints of corporate affiliations, he marches to the beat of his own drum and answers to no one but himself.
  • Loyal: Despite his independent nature, Captain Thorne values the bonds of friendship and loyalty, fiercely protecting those he cares about and standing by them through thick and thin.


Captain Thorne Blackbun was born with a wanderlust that could not be contained within the confines of his home planet. From a young age, he dreamed of exploring the vast reaches of space, charting new courses through the unknown and uncovering the secrets of the cosmos.

Determined to turn his dreams into reality, Thorne enrolled in the prestigious Pilot Space Academy, where he honed his skills and earned top marks in piloting and navigation. However, upon graduation, he quickly grew disillusioned with the rigid structure and bureaucracy of the spacefaring corporations that dominated the galaxy.

Deciding to forge his own path, Captain Thorne acquired his own ship, the Stellar Hare (Or his "Spacebun"), and set out into the cosmos as a freelance captain for hire. From transporting cargo to smuggling contraband, from rescuing stranded travelers to engaging in daring heists, he takes on a variety of side jobs to fund his insatiable thirst for adventure.

Early Life

Thorne Blackbun, born Stanley T. Bucks, grew up on the Felihu homeworld, a bustling planet known for its thriving trade hubs and diverse population. The youngest of four siblings in a hardworking, lower-middle-class family, who had alot of farm work as well, Thorne was always the most curious and adventurous. While his siblings were content to follow traditional paths in the family business, Thorne dreamt of the stars from an early age.

Childhood and Education

Thorne’s early years were marked by a sense of wonder and exploration. He would often sneak away to the local spaceports, mesmerized by the ships coming and going. His fascination with space travel was encouraged by his mother, who shared his love for adventure and would tell him stories of legendary spacefarers. His father, a practical and stern man, insisted on a proper education, pushing Thorne to excel in his studies.

Despite his father’s wishes for him to pursue a stable career, Thorne’s rebellious spirit led him to enroll in the prestigious Pilot Space Academy against his family’s expectations. At the academy, he honed his skills in piloting and navigation, consistently ranking at the top of his class. His instructors noted his natural aptitude for flying and his uncanny ability to think on his feet.

Military Service and Disillusionment

After graduating with honors, Thorne initially joined a reputable spacefaring corporation, seeking to make his mark on the galaxy. However, he quickly grew disillusioned with the corporate greed and bureaucratic constraints that stifled his adventurous spirit. He found the rigid structure and focus on profit over exploration frustrating and disheartening.

Breaking Free

Deciding he could not live a life bound by the confines of corporate space, Thorne broke free from the corporate chains, purchasing a decommissioned starship with his savings. He named it the Stellar Hare and began his new life as a freelance captain. The freedom to chart his own course and take on diverse and thrilling missions suited him perfectly. He quickly made a name for himself as a daring and reliable pilot, willing to take on jobs others wouldn’t dare.

Freelance Career

As a freelance captain, Thorne has taken on a variety of missions, from transporting valuable cargo to rescuing stranded travelers and even smuggling contraband when the need arose. His reputation as a skilled and resourceful pilot grew, and with it, a network of contacts and allies across the galaxy. Despite the dangers and challenges of his chosen path, Thorne relished the independence and the opportunity to explore the unknown.

Personal Growth

Throughout his journeys, Thorne has developed a deep appreciation for the vastness of space and the myriad of cultures and species he encounters. He maintains a strong sense of loyalty to his crew, treating them as family and ensuring their safety and well-being. His experiences have shaped him into a wise and seasoned captain, though his core traits of curiosity and a thirst for adventure remain undiminished.



  • Exploration: Captain Thorne relishes the opportunity to discover new worlds, meet exotic alien species, and unravel the mysteries of the universe.
  • Space Cuisine: A connoisseur of intergalactic cuisine, he enjoys sampling exotic dishes from the various planets he visits during his travels.
  • Stargazing: On quiet nights aboard his ship, he often retreats to the cockpit to gaze out at the stars, finding solace in the vastness of space.
  • Zero-Gravity Sports: When planetside, he indulges in adrenaline-pumping activities like zero-gravity surfing and asteroid skiing.
  • Space Opera: In his downtime, Captain Thorne enjoys immersing himself in epic tales of adventure and heroism set against the backdrop of the cosmos.



  • Corporate Greed: Captain Thorne harbors a deep disdain for the powerful corporations that exploit and plunder the galaxy for profit.
  • Authority Figures: He chafes under the command of overbearing officials and bureaucrats, preferring to operate outside the confines of traditional authority.
  • Confined Spaces: Despite spending most of his life aboard spacecraft, he dislikes feeling confined or claustrophobic, preferring the vast openness of space.
  • Betrayal: Having been burned in the past by untrustworthy allies, he is wary of forming close attachments and keeps his guard up around new acquaintances.
  • Void Storms: The unpredictable and destructive nature of void storms poses a constant threat to space travelers, and Captain Thorne navigates them with caution and trepidation.



  • Ship Modifications: Captain Thorne enjoys tinkering with his ship, constantly upgrading its systems and adding custom modifications to improve performance and versatility.
  • Astrocartography: He spends hours pouring over star charts and astrogation data, plotting potential routes and discovering hidden shortcuts through space.
  • Holo-Gaming: When off-duty, he unwinds by immersing himself in virtual reality simulations and holo-games, testing his reflexes and strategic skills against virtual opponents.
  • Music: A talented musician, Captain Thorne plays a variety of instruments, including the space guitar and cosmic harmonica, serenading his crew with melodic tunes during long journeys.
  • Galactic Trivia: With a vast knowledge of space lore and galactic history, he enjoys engaging in friendly competitions of galactic trivia with fellow spacefarers.



  • Freedom: Captain Thorne's ultimate goal is to live life on his own terms, free from the constraints of authority and the expectations of others.
  • Discovery: He seeks to uncover the secrets of the universe, from ancient artifacts to hidden civilizations, leaving his mark on the annals of space exploration.
  • Adventure: For Captain Thorne, life is about embracing the unknown and embracing the thrill of the journey, always seeking out the next great adventure that awaits beyond the stars.
  • Legacy: Despite his independent nature, he hopes to leave behind a legacy of courage, daring, and exploration that inspires future generations of spacefarers to follow in his footsteps.
  • Friendship: Beneath his rugged exterior lies a heart of gold, and Captain Thorne treasures the bonds of friendship and camaraderie forged during his travels, striving to protect and nurture those connections wherever he goes.



  • Crew: The Stellar Hare serves as both Captain Thorne's home and his sanctuary, and he shares a close bond with his loyal crew, whom he considers family.
  • Clients and Contacts: Over the years, Captain Thorne has cultivated a network of clients, contacts, and informants throughout the galaxy, from shady smugglers to wealthy aristocrats, who provide him with jobs and information in exchange for his services.
  • Rivals: As a freelance captain operating in the cutthroat world of space travel, Captain Thorne has made his fair share of enemies, from rival captains to corporate enforcers, who seek to thwart his plans and sabotage his endeavors.
  • Space Authorities: Despite his disdain for authority, Captain Thorne maintains a wary relationship with space authorities and law enforcement agencies, avoiding confrontation whenever possible but prepared to outmaneuver them when necessary.


Injuries, scars

Incident Leading to the Loss of Eye and Leg


During his early freelance days, Captain Thorne Blackbun (Stanley T. Bucks) often relied on a close-knit group of fellow spacefarers. Among them were two particularly trusted allies, Zaria Kalyne and Draxor Vinzenti Vint. They had shared many adventures, faced numerous dangers, and celebrated countless victories together. Their camaraderie was built on mutual trust and a shared disdain for the corporate entities that dominated the galaxy.

The Betrayal

Everything changed during a high-stakes mission involving a valuable artifact rumored to grant immense power to its possessor. The mission was to retrieve the artifact from a heavily guarded vault on a remote, lawless planet. Unbeknownst to Thorne, Zara and Draxor had been approached by a powerful corporation offering a substantial reward for the artifact, enough to tempt them into betrayal.

As Thorne led the team through the mission, the tension between him and his allies grew palpable. Zara and Draxor's unease was masked by their usual banter, but Thorne sensed something was off. Nevertheless, he pressed on, determined to secure the artifact and return it to its rightful owner.

The Ambush

Upon reaching the vault, the team successfully retrieved the artifact, but as they made their way back to the Stellar Hare, Zara and Draxor sprung their trap. In a secluded part of the labyrinthine complex, they ambushed Thorne, catching him off guard. Zara’s precision with a blaster and Draxor’s brute strength quickly overwhelmed him. In the ensuing struggle, Zara shot Thorne in the eye, blinding him on one side, while Draxor's powerful strike shattered his leg.

Thorne, despite his injuries, fought back with ferocity. His resourcefulness and combat skills allowed him to narrowly escape the ambush, using the complex's twisting corridors to lose his pursuers. Bleeding and in excruciating pain, he managed to reach his ship and initiate an emergency takeoff.

Survival and Recovery

Barely conscious, Thorne piloted the Stellar Hare to the nearest neutral spaceport, where he collapsed. He was found by a group of medics who recognized him and rushed him to a medical facility. The extensive damage to his leg required amputation and replacement with a high-tech prosthetic. His injured eye was beyond repair, necessitating a cybernetic replacement.

The physical recovery was arduous, but the emotional toll of betrayal by trusted friends cut deeper. During his recuperation, Thorne reflected on the events, vowing never to let his guard down again. The loss of his eye and leg served as a constant reminder of the treachery he had endured and the high price of trust.

Moving Forward

Once recovered, Thorne upgraded his ship and his own combat capabilities, ensuring he would be prepared for any future threats. He became more cautious in selecting his crew and alliances, valuing loyalty above all. The incident, while devastating, forged him into an even more resilient and formidable captain.

Captain Thorne Blackbun's tale of betrayal and survival adds a layer of depth to his character, highlighting his resilience and unwavering determination to navigate the stars, no matter the personal cost. His injuries are a testament to the dangers of his chosen path and his resolve to overcome any challenge thrown his way.


Songs inspired:
- Mother Mother - Hayloft II (Official Lyric Video) (
- Hayloft2 AMV - Vox Machina (
- Hayloft II / Percy De Rolo (
- Percy revenge - Hell's Comin' With Me  (Poor Mans Poison - “The Legend of Vox Machina”) (
- The Devil Went Down To Georgia (metal cover by Leo Moracchioli) (
