Yu Panan



8 years, 4 months ago



Name Yu Panan
Called Panan
Species Human
Gender Male (transgender)
Height 5'1"
Build Frail
Orientation Homosexual
Setting Modern fiction or sci-fi


  • Music, vinyl-- especially disco
  • Reading
  • Dancing


  • His own body
  • His father's business
  • Violence and bloodshed


Panan is the only child of a revered mob boss. He has been groomed to take his father's place but is (and has been since he was young) unwilling and removed from it emotionally. It doesn't help that he was born female but was told he is otherwise- and truly does not mesh with identifying as female- leading to most of his life being full of contradictions that he goes out of his way to create in spite of his father's strict demands.
Because he is so passively combative against his father's wishes, he's often locked up in his room (or the mansion's grounds if his father is feeling pity on Panan). When Panan is able to leave the home, he is usually followed by one bodyguard or a strict, stodgy housekeeper, teacher, etc.
He keeps his personality hidden from relative strangers and he isn't easy to open up to... But when he feels comfortable or safe, he can often be quite silly and sweet, prone to commenting on things that amuse him even if they are strange. His father is about the only person (even within the mob, though some of his 'people' do make him nervous) who can cause Panan to go completely cold and unresponsive.

Since most of his life is centered around being inside, he gets so much entertainment when being able to leave the house. His great interests are music collecting and psychology+sociology. 'Normal' people fascinate him and he's all too aware of his background being out of the ordinary-- someone meandering through a store only to come out with such hum drum groceries can be a huge delight to him! And yes, Panan is prone to gawking when out and about, and can be scatterbrained when running errands since he takes so many detours to just observe strangers, though there are a few of his guardians that keep him in strict line.
For someone so followed and seemingly detested throughout his life thus far, Panan is pretty optimistic, and prefers to think of all the good in his life rather than the bad, even when it overwhelms him. He's not strong in any sense, but his stubbornness in his attitude is something to behold indeed!

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