I luv Taunek soo much 💖
Latest Bulletin
EDIT 04/22: srsly still looking, LOL sorry =( feel free to comment and sorry in advance x2
EDIT 03/22: I'm still looking to make sure everyone is taken care of, I'm not even close to done =/
Feel free to comment if need be ♥ Thank you in advance for tolerating my slowness
i know it's like every other month i make this stupid bulletin but this year is actively kicking my ass and trying to make my life hell.
please let me know if it's been OVER a month that i've owed you art. i'm not ignoring it, i've genuinely forgotten.
sorry if i did not reply to a PM about these things. i'm having a fucking shit nightmare of a time right now 😅
slowly working on everything as i go. comms take priority of course-- these i have under control at least.
and many apologies if you were gearing up to write an angry PM and noticed this. please don't hesitate to reach out regardless, i don't blame you and i truly do want to fix things.
hope everyone is well 💕