


5 years, 11 months ago


Cosme Manos♦♦ Elivuk ♦♦he/they♦♦ 60
 D.O.B.: 10/13/1957 JOB:Various
Human...ish  HOME:
[MBTI] ♦♦ [SUN      | MOON       | RISING      ] ♦♦ [BLOOD TYPE  ♦♦ [True Neutral]
 POSITIVES:Patient, honest NEGATIVES:Fatalistic, harsh
 LIKES: Spiders, the woods, quietness DISLIKES:Being expected to fix other people's problems
 HISTORY: Cosme Manos, as he goes by in his current life, has had many faces and names, the earliest he can distinctly remember being Elivuk- given to him by his tribe roughly 15,000 years from present- due to his fascination with the tiny spiders found during fleeting summers on the Bering Land Bridge. His hobby often led him into the woods in his off time, and there he gained the attention, and eventually the friendship, of a forest god living there. The god blessed him with insight into the interconnections- both physical and metaphysical- between living things, allowing him to not only see his own past lives, but his and others' most likely futures as well. Since that moment, he has spent millenia travelling the land, always reincarnating with purpose and direction, in an effort to both learn more about the world and learn how to better leverage and refine his senses. He is never truly alone in his wandering however, as wherever he goes many eight-legged friends go with him- perhaps out of feeling an increasing amount of kindred to this gradually stranger man.
  • Attempts to help others that blew up in his and their faces due to his predictions have left him extremely leery of offering advice to with the intent of changing anyone's fate. He will answer any questions given to him honestly, but rarely offers counsel on what actions are best taken. He's long, long past the point of taking shit from anyone who gripes to him about the vagueness of his predictions when he would have preferred to not give them in the first place.
  • Some part of him genuinely does want to help and better other people, he just has a hard time getting close to anyone, knowing he probably won't see them again in his next life, or not be remembered by them if he does.
  • His favorite spiders are wolf spiders and grass spiders. They're found on him most often and have a  habit of sleeping in his pockets.
  • During times when he's using his oracle abilities his eyes go completely dark and beady, and two smaller additional eyes open under his normal ones.
 POWERS:With time and focus, can learn the (most likely version of) the past and present of a person. Able to travel instantly between any two locations as long as something connects them (literally or conceptually). WEAKNESS: Physically very much mortal. Average strength and endurance for a man his age. His visions can only allow him to make predictions about the past or future or unwitnessed present- though often right, or close to, he can and has been wrong before. 
❝ song lyrics, a quote, or something they'd say can go here 

 husband;;how did they meet, how did the relationship progress, how do they feel about one another now?  best friend;;the name titles and emojis used are just examples, do whatever you want. click the smiley face on the ribbon for more of them. 
 crush;;to add sections just click in this table so that the little bar comes up. then click the three horizontal lines and do "add row". child;;this really does look best with only two columns due to width, but rows could be added infinitely.
 worst enemy;;symbols and name and whatnot can be changed. if you really wanted you could do it homestuck style and do card suits. parent;;description of relationship. description of relationship. description of relationship. description of relationship.

OBTAINED:made by me
STATUS:not up for trade/sale
VALUE: estimated or exact value