

10 days, 1 hour ago


Windsor Wescott 🕴️ Lancer (callsign: SECRETARY) 🕴️ 34 🕴️ cis female (she/her) 🕴️ evil bi 🕴️ libra ♎

Formerly a low-ranking data analyst for the Union Economic Bureau, Windsor had an early mid-life crisis and signed up as a mech pilot cadet. She cleared the training with flying colors, scoring especially high on her marksmanship, and earned the license for her first mech-- a sniper-focused GMS Everest frame named POWERPOINT, after the ancient Cradle technology (still in use in some parts of the UEB.) Being a lancer is about so much more than shooting targets, though, and after her crash landing on Cressidium, she's learning this the hard way...

Windsor is simultaneously meticulous and deranged, and kind of a binch but doesn't really mean to be-- she's just privileged and used to a gossipy corporate work environment. Getting her mech destroyed on her first mission will hopefully have knocked some sense into her LMAO though she did kind of just... crawl out of her mech and keep shooting